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Title:Varnostna zagotovitev vojaških aktivnosti in načrtovanje varnostne zagotovitve : zaključna naloga
Authors:Ravnak, Rok (Author)
Grbec, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Med izvajanjem vojaških aktivnosti se tudi v mirnodobnem času pojavljajo številna tveganja za varnost osebja in MTS, zaradi česar je izredno pomembno poskrbeti za ustrezno varnostno zagotovitev teh dejavnosti. Za uspešno varnostno zagotovitev dogodkov in dejavnosti pa je potrebno izdelati načrt varnostne zagotovitve, v katerem moramo vključiti vse ukrepe in aktivnosti, ki jih je potrebno izvajati v okviru varnostne zagotovitve. Temelj za izdelavo načrta varnostne zagotovitve pa je izdelana ocena ogroženosti, ki mora temeljiti na realnih grožnjah, sicer je v veliki meri neuporabna ali celo zavajajoča. Brez kvalitetne ocene groženj realnega in uporabnega načrta varnostne zagotovitve namreč ni mogoče izdelati. Za varnostno zagotovitev nosi ključno odgovornost poveljnik enote, organi J/S-2 pa dejansko v skladu z njegovimi usmeritvami in sodelovanju z drugimi organi načrtujejo in vodijo izvedbo. Načrtovanje varnostne zagotovitve je kompleksen proces, katerega nosilec so sicer organi J/S-2, vendar je potrebno pri tem zagotoviti sodelovanje vseh relevantnih faktorjev, tako specialistov na posameznih področjih kot tudi vojaške policije, Obveščevalno varnostne službe ministrstva, pogosto pa tudi civilne policije in ostalih civilnih inštitucij. Za uspešno izvajanje načrtovanih varnostnih ukrepov pa je potrebno vse udeležence v aktivnosti ustrezno pripraviti, sicer načrtovanje varnostne zagotovitve ne doseže želenega učinka.
Keywords:načrtovanje vojaških dejavnost, varnost, varnostna zagotovitev, zaščita sil, viri ogrožanja, varnostni ukrepi
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[R. Ravnak]
COBISS_ID:4676814 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Ravnak_Rok_i2012.pdf (307,68 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:There are also many risks to the safety and security of personnel and material during the conduct of military activities in peacetime period, so it is extremely important to provide adequate security measures to ensure these activities. To ensure adequate security and safety of events and activities itis necessary to develop a security plan, which should include all steps and actions to be performed to provide adequate level of security. The foundation for the security plan is threat assessment, which must be based on real threats; otherwise it is largely useless or even misleading. Without adequate assessment of real threats effective operational plan to ensure security can not be made. Key responsibility to ensure security lies on the unit commander,while J/S-2 must conduct planning and execution of security measures in cooperation with other institutions. Planning of security activities is a complex process for which J/S-2 bears key responsibility, but it is necessary to ensure the participation of all relevant factors, both specialists in particular areas as well as military police, the Intelligence and Security Service of Ministry of Defense, and often, civilian police and other civic institutions. The successful implementation of planned security measures requires that all participants in the activities are properly briefedand prepared; otherwise security plan will not reach the desired effect.
Keywords:planning of military activities, security, force protection, threats, security measures


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