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Title:Aktivne in pasivne mere zaščite v transportnem vodu : zaključna naloga
Authors:Šaruga, Jožef (Author)
Skodič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi sem predstavil najprej zgodovina zaščite konvojev in mejnikih v razvoj organiziranih premikov. Zaradi pojava asimetričnega bojišča je pozornost namenjena tudi aktivnim in pasivnim meram zaščite, ki jih treba zagotoviti, da transportna enota uspešno izvede nalogo. Asimetrično bojišče zahteva še posebej veliko pozornost, več pozornosti pa je treba nameniti prav aktivnim in pasivnim meram zaščite transportnih enot, saj je pri takem načinu bojevanja z nasprotno stranjo, izbrisana je frontna linija bojevanja. Nasprotna stran je začela delovati v našem zaledju z namenom, da se vzbudi pozornost v našem zaledju. Pri tem bo uporabljal vsa sredstva z namenom, da bi preprečil oskrbo enot, ki jo izvajajo transportne enote. Prav transportne enote pa so zelo ranljive, zato če želimo oskrbeti enote, moramo pri premikih uporabiti določene mere zaščite voznika, vozila in tovora. Predstavljena je tudi taktika in sredstva za varovanja logističnih konvojev in pridobljene izkušnje pri varovanju konvojev.
Keywords:konvoj, varovanje, aktivna zaščita konvoja, pasivna zaščita konvoja
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[J. Šaruga]
Source:Slovenska Bistrica
COBISS_ID:4762062 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Saruga_Jozef_i2011.pdf (1,40 MB)
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Abstract:In his final thesis I presented the first history of the protection of convoysand milestones in the development of organized movement. Due to the appearance of asymmetric battlefield focuses on also active and passive rates security to be ensured that the transport unit successfully perform a task. Asymmetrical battlefield requires particularly great importance, more attention should be paid also active and passive protection rates of transportunits, such as in the way of engagement with the opposite side, removed the front line of combat. The opposite side is to begin operations in our hinterland, with a view to the attention of our hinterland. It will use all resources in order to prevent the supply of units carried out by the transport unit. They transport units are very vulnerable, so if we want to supply the units we use in the movements of some degree to protect the driver,vehicles and cargo. Presented is a tactic and means of protecting logistics convoys and lessons learned in protecting convoys.
Keywords:convoy, security, active protection of convoy, passive protection of convoys


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