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Title:Bojni logistični konvoji : zaključna naloga
Authors:Cesar, Drago (Author)
Slak, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Sestavljanje logističnih konvojev je ena od osnovnih nalog logistike. Sodobne vojaške operacije, predvsem pri asimetričnem bojevanju dajejo vedno večji poudarek na razvoju bojne logistike. Premiki logističnih enot na področju izvajanja operacij so v veliki meri podvrženi napadom ter so s tem postale glavni cilj nasprotnika. Moderne smernice bojevanja ter logističnega oskrbovanja so za posledico proizvedle veliko ogroženost logističnih enot. Potreba po samozadostnosti logističnih konvojev v smislu sposobnosti samoobrambe je postala nuja logističnega vsakdana. Predvsem velike vojaške sile (ZDA) so se pri svojih delovanjih v prvih bojnih linijah soočile z obrambnimi problemi logistike, predvsem pri napadih na urejene vojaške konvoje. Največ težav je pri formiranju bojnih konvojev logistike zaznala kopenska vojska ZDA (US Army), ki dovaža razrede logistične oskrbe neposredno na prve linije bojne črte. Logistične enote vojaških koalicij, katere so se prve srečale z asimetričnim bojevanjem so kmalu spoznale, da je taktika transportnih enot, ki so jo spoznale iz priročnikov preživeta. Sodobno gverilsko bojevanje nasproti sodobnim armadam narekuje sprejetje drastičnih sprememb v načinu razmišljanja, taktik in usposabljanja logističnih enot v vojskah NATO.
Keywords:asimetrično bojevanje, logistične enote, bojni konvoji logistike, usposabljanje logističnih enot, kopenska vojska ZDA
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[D. Cesar]
COBISS_ID:4757454 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cesar_Drago_i2011.pdf (825,96 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Assembling the logistics convoys is one of the basic functions of logistics. Modern military operations, particularly in asymmetric warfare placed increasing emphasis on the development of combat logistics. The movement of logistics units in the field of operations to a large extent subject to attacks and they became the main goal of the opponent. Modern warfare and logistics guidelines for supplying the result produced a lot of threat logistics units. The need for self-sufficiency in terms of logistics convoys ability of self-defense logistics has become a necessity of everyday life. In particular, large military forces (U.S.) had its operations in the front linesof defense faced logistical problems, especially in attacks on military convoys organized. Most problems in the formation of combat logistics convoysthe U.S. Army (U.S. Army), who are flying in logistics classes directlyto the first line of battle. Military coalition logistics units, whichwere first confronted with the asymmetric warfare was soon realized that the tactic of transport units, which was realized from outdated manuals not work. Modern guerrilla warfare against a modern army calls for a drastic change in the way of thinking, tactics, training and logistics units in the armies of NATO.
Keywords:asymmetric warfare, logistic units, combat logistics convoys, training, logistic units, U.S. Army


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