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Title:Izgradnja vojaških utrdbenih linij v Evropi med obema vojnama : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Sovinc, Aleš (Author)
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Po koncu I. svetovne vojne so evropski prostor zapolnili razni militatni režimi, med katerimi sta najbolj znana nacistični in fašistični. Pod raznimi gesli o maščevanju za krivice ob koncu vojne se je že tlakovala pot v nov svetovni spopad. Evropo je na nek način zajela vojna psihoza, kjer miselnost ni več sledila tehnološkemu razvoju tistega časa. Vsi so namreč verjeli, da boprihajajoča vojna podobna I. svetovni vojni, se pravi, da bo pozicijska in da se bo dogajala v rovih. Da bi svojim vojakom prihranile trohnenje v blatnihjarkih in nenehni izpostavljenosti smrtonosnemu ognju strojnic in topov sovražnika, so skoraj vse evropske države začele graditi mogočne vojaške utrdbene sisteme, bolj ali manj obsežne linije, ki so vsebovale strojnične bunkerje, topniške utrdbe in podzemne hodnike iz armiranega betona. Tako so nastale znamenite češke utrdbe Beneševe linije, še bolj slavna Maginotova linija, njej nasproti stoječa Siegfriedova linija, pa tudi manj znane Mannerheimova linija na Finskem, grška linija Metaxas, na današnjem slovenskem ozemlju italijanski Vallo Alpino oziroma Alpski zid in jugoslovanski odgovor nanj, Rupnikova linija.
Keywords:vojaški utrdbeni sistemi, strojnični bunkerji, topniške utrdbe, podzemni hodniki
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[A. Sovinc]
COBISS_ID:4707790 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Sovinc_Ales_i2013.pdf (3,19 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:#The #construction of military defensive lines between the two world wars
Abstract:After the end of World War I, European space was fill up with military regimes such as Nazi and Fascist. Under various slogans of revenge for the injustices at the end of the war the road has allready been paved for a new global conflict. Europe was in some way covered by war psychosis, where thinking was no longer followed by technological developments of that time. They believed that the upcoming war will be similar to World War I - positional, with fighting in the trenches. To save their soldiers from rottingin trenches under constant machine gun and artillery fire, almost all european countries began construction of huge military defensive lines, which incorporated machine gun nests, artilery casemats and underground armored concrete hallways. Thus the Czechian Benesh line, the famous Maginot line and it's opposite Siegfried line along with the less know Mannerhein line in Finnland, Greek Metaxas line and on the Slovenian teritory Italian Vallo Alpino along with the Yugoslav answer Rupnik´s line were built.
Keywords:military fortification systems, powerhouse bunkers, artillery fort, underground corridors


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