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Title:Stabilizacijsko bojno delovanje in protiuporniško bojno delovanje : zaključna naloga
Authors:Škulj, Nejc (Author)
Preložnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Stankovič, Boris (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Stabilizacijsko bojno delovanje in protiuporniško bojno delovanje sta razmeroma netradicionalni zvrsti delovanja oboroženih sil. Stabilizacijsko delovanje je svoj poln razmah doživelo po koncu hladne vojne, medtem ko je protiuporniško delovanje staro kot vojskovanje samo, res pa je tudi, da se o protiuporniškem vojskovanju govori nekoliko več po letu 2001, zaradi dogajanjav Afganistanu in Iraku. Stabilizacijske operacije se odvijajo izven matične države, cilj njih pa je v zagotovitvi varnosti, humanitarni pomoči in vzpostavitvi potrebnih lokalnih institucij. Vojaški poveljnik ima za to na razpolago številne ukrepe in vzvode, bistveno pri vsem pa je, da obvladuje razmere s čim manjšo silo, oziroma, da se izogiba uporabi sile. Protiuporniško delovanje pa od poveljnika zahteva tudi uporabo sile za dosego ciljev. Končni cilj obeh zvrsti delovanja pa je v zagotovitvi miru in varnosti ter v razvoju lokalnih varnostnih sil in agencij, ki bi uživale legitimnost med domačim prebivalstvom in bile tako sposobne prevzeti nadzor nad deželo.
Keywords:stabilizacijsko bojno delovanje, protiuporniško bojno delovanje, mir in varnost, mirovne operacije in misije, male enote
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[N. Škulj]
COBISS_ID:4687822 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Skulj_Nejc_i2011.pdf (1,25 MB)
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Abstract:Both stability operations and counterinsurgency operations are nontraditional military activities. Stability operations became more common military activityafter the end of the Cold War, while counterinsurgency and its tacticsare as old as warfare itself, but it is also true that counterinsurgency became a newspaper topic after 2001 with events in Iraq and Afghanistan. Stability operations encompass various military missions, tasks and activities conducted abroad, to establish a safe and secure environment, humanitarian relief and provide essential local services. Commander has a variety of actions and levers to conduct his mission, but it is essential thathe uses an appropriate amount of force to complete his task or even betteris if he avoids the use of unnecessary force. Counterinsurgency on the other hand sometimes demands the use of force to combat insurgency and complete the mission. Both stability operations and counterinsurgency operations share a common goal, to provide a safe and secure environment and to develop a local security forces and other agencies which will in time take control over the country.
Keywords:stability operations, counterinsurgency operations, safe and secure environment, peacekeeping operations, small units


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