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TitleTeorije vzrokov sodobnih konfliktov : študija primera Pakistan
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Authors:Žura, Metod (Author)
Garb, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Master's thesis/paperOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:oboroženi konflikti, islamski fundamentalizem, PakistanUDC:355.425(549.1)(043.2)COBISS_ID:4666318Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10698 ogledov; 261 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Zura_Metod_i2012.pdf (1,38 MB)
Abstract:Sodobni oboroženi konflikti so večplastni, prepleteni in zelo kompleksni. Različni raziskovalci navajajo različne vzroke zanje. V strokovni javnosti so se uveljavile štiri teorije vzrokov, ki jih povzema priročnik OZN z naslovom Developing Capacity for Conflict Analysis and Early Response. Te so: teorija osnovnih človekovih potreb, politična teorija, teorija odnosov in transformativna teorija. Pakistan je država, ki je nastala v procesu dekolonizacije po drugi svetovni vojni. Svojo identiteto je poudarjeno gradilana islamski religiji in proti-indijski drži. Že sam nastanek države je bil izredno krvav, zdi se, da sta bila državi v zibko položena nestabilnost innasilje. Pakistan v petinšestdesetletni zgodovini ni zdržal ozemeljske celovitosti in ni uspel zgraditi države, ki bi temeljila na stabilnem političnem sistemu, spoštovanju človekovih pravic in svoboščin, pravnem redu in zagotavljanju blaginje za prebivalce. V takšnih razmerah ni presenetljivo, da so nesorazmeren vpliv na dogajanje v državi pridobile vojska, tajne službe ter od konca sedemdesetih let tudi skrajne islamske skupine. Za ponazoritev nestabilnosti Pakistana lahko postrežemo s podatkom, da trenutno v državi poteka kar šest notranjih konfliktov ter dva zunanja, z ZDA in Indijo. Glede nasilja in vpliva na varnost Pakistana prednjači konflikt med silami osrednje vlade in islamskimi skrajnimi skupinami, med katerimi izstopajo talibanske skupine. S pomočjo zgoraj omenjenih teorij so v magistrskem delu analizirani vzroki za obstoj vsakega posameznega konflikta v zvezi s Pakistanom, pri čemerse pokaže, da imajo analize, utemeljene na politični teoriji, večjo pojasnjevalno moč.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:#The #causes of conflict theories - case study PakistanAbstract:Contemporary armed conflicts are multifaceted, intertwined and complex. Different researchers emphasize different reasons for them. The professional community has implemented four theories of causes, which are summarized in theUN manual entitled Developing Capacity for Conflict Analysis and Early Response. They are: basic human needs theory, political theory, relational theory and transformative theory. Pakistan is a country that was created in the process of decolonization after World War II. Its identity is outlined build on Islamic religion and anti-Indian posture. The very creation of the state was extremely bloody, it seems that the country was placed in the cradleof instability and violence. Within sixty-five years Pakistan was unableto maintain territorial integrity and failed in nation-building, based on a stable political system, respect for human rights and freedoms, rule of law and ensuring prosperity for the people. Considering such circumstances it is not surprising that a disproportionate influence on developments in the country was excersized by the army, secret services and, from the end of the seventies onwards, extremist Islamic groups. The instability in Pakistan can be illustrated by looking at six internal and two external conflicts, the U.S.and India. Regarding the violence and the impact on the safety of Pakistan, the leading conflict is between the governmental forces and Islamic extremist groups, including prominent Taliban groups. With the help of the above theories the causes for the existence of each conflict in regard to Pakistan are analyzed in the masterʼs thesis, whereby it appears that analysesbased on the political theory have more explanatory power.