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Title:Civilni nadzor in delovanje vojske : doktorska disertacija
Authors:Furlan, Branimir (Author)
Jelušič, Ljubica (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Dissertation
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Preučevanje civilnega nadzora nad vojaško organizacijo je znanstveno relevantno na točki ko dokazujemo, da je koncept problematik prve in druge generacije civilno-vojaških odnosov opazen v slovenskih razmerah, vendar so vse dosedanje analize izhajale bolj iz dileme o doseganju učinkovitega (subjektivnega) civilnega nadzora nad vojsko, manj pa so se posvečale možnosti objektivnega nadzora, niti so pri tem upoštevale značilnosti objekta nadzorovanja, to je same Slovenske vojske. Doktorska disertacija poskuša izpolniti to praznino ter pojasniti zakaj je v nedorečenem civilnem nadzoru, ki je bil sicer določen na demokratičen način, možno iskati razloge za omejevanje izvajanja poslanstva vojaške organizacije, hkrati pa dokazuje, da so v Sloveniji prisotne vse ključne značilnosti problematik druge generacije civilno-vojaških odnosov, ki jih poznamo iz tujih virov in praks. Disertacija v tem pogledu prinaša novost, saj bo osvetlila civilno-vojaške odnose tudi s stališča nadzorovanega - vojske. Tiste, kateri lahko deviacije v civilno-vojaških odnosih v določenih pogojih omejujejo uresničevanje svojega poslanstva. Predmet disertacije je demokratični civilni nadzor nad vojsko v Sloveniji in sicer v ožjem pomenu – nadzor, ki ga izvajajo politične institucije (institucionalni nadzor). Raziskava je bila osredotočena na preučevanje vzročno posledične povezanosti civilnega nadzora in delovanja Slovenske vojske. Temeljni cilji raziskave so bili ugotavljanje značilnosti sodobnih civilno-vojaških odnosov v Sloveniji, ocena kakovosti udejanjanja civilnega nadzora s poudarkom na izpolnjevanju civilnih odgovornosti v praksi s stališča teorije in tradicij demokratičnega civilnega nadzora, ter ugotavljanje kako se udejanjanje civilnega nadzora odraža na Slovensko vojsko.
Keywords:civilni nadzor, učinkovitost vojske, delovanje vojske, Slovenska vojska, demokratizacija
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[B. Furlan]
COBISS_ID:4555470 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf DR_Furlan_Branimir_i2012.pdf (1,90 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Civilian control and the armed forces
Abstract:The research of civilian control of the military is scientifically relevant at the point where it can be proved that the issues of the first and second generation problematic of civil-military relations are recognized in the case of Slovenia, although all previous studies have been based mainly on the dilemma of effective (subjective) control of the military, and have devoted less attention to the possibilities of objective control. Moreover, they have disregarded the object of control – the Slovenian Armed Forces itself. This dissertation attempts to fill this gap by describing why the reasons for the limitation or even prevention of the military to accomplish its mission stem from an inadequately defined civilian control that was established in a democratic way. It proves that in Slovenia all key characteristics of the issues of the second generation of civil-military relations known from foreign sources and practice are represented. The dissertation brings something new in this case since it describes civil-military relations from the perspective of the controlled – the military whose mission accomplishment can be limited or jeopardized under certain circumstances due to deviations in civil-military relations. The subject of the dissertation is the democratic civilian control of the military in the narrow context, i.e. the control executed by civilian authorities (institutional control). The research focused on the analysis of the relationship between the civilian control, and the military performance and status. There were three main research goals: (1) to define the characteristics of contemporary civil-military relations in Slovenia, (2) to evaluate the quality of civilian control implementation through the perspective of civilian responsibilities derived from the theory and practice of democratic civilian control, and (3) to determine the impact of implementation on the Slovenian Armed Forces.
Keywords:civilian control, military effectiveness, military operations, Slovenian Armed Forces, democratization


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