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Title:Manevrska struktura narodne zaščite : zaključna naloga
Authors:Mežner, Mitja (Author)
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Naloga preučuje vlogo, pomen Manevrske strukture narodne zaščite, ki je bila prva sodobna, organizirana in izključno slovenska oborožena sila katere glavninamen je bil preprečitev izvajanja sramotnega ukaza o razorožitvi Teritorialne obrambe Republike Slovenije. V primeru posredovanja zveznih oblasti že v letu 1990, pa bi po potrebi z orožjem zavarovala interese Republike Slovenije. Pravno podlago za nastanek organizacije se našli znotrajže obstoječe Jugoslovanske zakonodaje v obliki že do takrat poznane Narodne zaščite, kajti vsi glavni položaji na Republiškem štabu Teritorialne obrambe so bili zasedeni z jugoslovanskimi oziroma pro jugoslovanskimi častniki, ki takšne organizacije zagotovo ne bi podprli. Zaradi tega so moraliustanoviti vzporedno organizacijo, ki je morala delovati v popolni tajnosti. Sprejeli so svoje dokumente od katerih je zagotovo najpomembnejša direktiva MSNZ in ob odlični organizaciji razprostrli svojo mrežo po celotni Sloveniji. Ravno odločna akcija MSNZ je kljub kratkemu obstoju omogočila zavarovanje slovenskega orožja in je pokazala odločnost in podporo demokratičnim prizadevanjem. Trdimo lahko, da duh MSNZ še vedno živi saj se je najprej neposredno podredila v Teritorialno obrambo, ta pa se je kasneje preoblikovala v Slovensko vojsko.
Keywords:osamosvojitev Slovenije, JLA, teritorialna obramba, manevrska struktura narodne zaščite, Slovenija, zgodovina, 1990-1991
Year of publishing:2009
Publisher:[M. Mežner]
COBISS_ID:3712462 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Mezner_Mitja_i2009.pdf (1,47 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:This work presents the role and importance of Manoeuvre Structures of NationalProtection, the first modern, organized and purely Slovenian armed force whose main purpose was to prevent execution of shameful order of disarmament of Slovenian Territorial defence. In the event of intervention from federal authorities in year 1990 they would protect the interests of the Republic of Slovenia. Legal foundations for the formation of organisation wasfound in Yugoslavian legislation under existing National Protection. Namelyall commanding roles in Territorial Defence were occupied by Yugoslavian officers and they would not support this new organization. Therefore a new organisation had to be formed that operated in complete secrecy. They had to prepare new documents of which the most important one wasthe directive of Manoeuvre Structures of National Protection. Through some great work the organizers spread out the network all over Slovenia. And thanksto this decisive action they were able to protect Slovenian arms and other military equipment. We can say that the spirit of Manoeuvre Structures of National Protection is still alive today because they grew into the Territorial Defence (after the Slovenian officers took over) and Territorial Defence was later transformed into Slovenian Army.
Keywords:Manoeuvre Structures of National Protection, Territorial Defence, Yugoslav People's Army


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