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TitlePremik motoriziranega voda SKOV 8 x 8 na krizno območje mednarodnih operacij : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Rudolf, Darko (Author)
Kunstelj, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Jurkovič, Stanko (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:oklepno vozilo SKOV 8 x 8 Svarun, tehnika premikanja, način premika, varnost premikaUDC:356.116:623.438COBISS_ID:3757006Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9378 ogledov; 75 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Rudolf_Darko_i2010.pdf (775,80 KB)
Abstract:Zaradi povezav v mednarodne organizacije se vse sodobne vojske iz dneva v dan srečujejo s problemom premikanja transporta oziroma logistike na oddaljena območja mednarodnih operacij. Logistični pristopi in rešitve so zelo različni predvsem zaradi različnih lastnih zmožnosti in sposobnosti prenosa opreme in vojakov posamezne države, kot tudi zaradi pogostosti potreb po tovrstnih logističnih rešitvah in nenazadnje tudi od velikosti in povezanosti posameznih ključnih strateških partnerjev. V zaključni nalogi so predstavljene možne oblike in tehnike premikanja - transporta SKOV 8X8 na območja mednarodnih operacij v okviru lastnih sposobnosti slovenske vojske za premik vozil in ob pomoči strateških partnerjev. Težišče preučevanja je na tehnikah premikanja z različnimi načini tehničnih in transportnih sredstev predvsem glede na razdaljo do območja mednarodnih operacij. Pri tem moram poudariti, da je ključni dejavnik pri izbiri načina premika - transporta varnost SKOV 8X8, hitrost premika in nenazadnje tudi cena takega premika.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Due to connecting with international organisations, all modern armies regularly face the problem of transport and logistics movement to distant territories of international operations. Individual logistic approaches and solutions differ greatly, especially because each country has different conditions and capabilities of transferring the equipment and their soldiers. What is more, in some countries the need for such logistic solutions arises frequently while in others very rarely. Also, the size and connection of some key strategic partners play an important role as well. The present account presents possible forms and techniques of transporting SKOV 8X8 to international operations territories within Slovene army's own abilities of moving the vehicles and with the help of strategic partners. The focus of study is on movement techniques with different technical and transport means especially regarding the distance to territories of international operations. It should be emphasized here that the key factors in choosing the means of transport are the safety of SKOV 8X8, the speed of movement and also the cost of such movement.Keywords:armoured vehicle SKOV 8 x 8 Svarun, movement technique, means of movement, movement safety