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Title:Putin's dilemma: Russia and the Slavic dimension of Nato enlargement
Authors:Benedejčič, Andrej (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The potential weaponization of Slavdom is a poorly researched topic in the literature on hybrid warfare, despite the Slavic dimension of NATO after several rounds of enlargement. Part of the reason is the traditionally reserved attitude of Russian authorities to the Slavic idea, which runs counter to the idealized supranational character of Russia and can incite domestic ethnic populism. Even though Moscow has not used this instrument so far, the historical record shows that it could do so at a later stage if its very existence is at stake. The instrumentalization of Slavic identity therefore requires attention, not only as an impending threat, but also as a potential catalyst for change on the Russian side.
Keywords:hybrid warfare, Slavdom, Nato enlargement
Year of publishing:2024
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:192975363 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Benedejcic_Andrej_i2024_st.1.pdf (563,90 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Putinova dilema: Rusija in slovanska dimenzija Natove širitve
Abstract:Morebitna naorožitev slovanstva je slabo raziskana tematika v literaturi o hibridnem vojskovanju kljub slovanski dimenziji zveze Nato po nekaj krogih širitve. Deloma gre za posledico tradicionalno zadržanega odnosa ruskih oblasti do slovanske ideje, ki je v nasprotju z idealizirano nadnacionalno naravo Rusije in lahko spodbudi domači etnični populizem. Čeprav Moskva do zdaj še ni posegla po tem orodju, zgodovinske izkušnje kažejo, da bi kaj takega lahko storila kdaj pozneje, če bi bil pod vprašajem njen obstoj. Instrumentalizacija slovanske identitete zato zahteva pozornost, pri čemer ne le kot grozeča nevarnost, temveč tudi kot mogoč katalizator sprememb na ruski strani.
Keywords:hibridno vojskovanje, slovanstvo, Natova širitev


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