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Title:Strateška kultura in delovanje Ruske federacije v rusko-ukrajinskem konfliktu
Authors:Kogoj, Mark (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Članek obravnava rusko strateško kulturo ter delovanje Ruske federacije v rusko- -ukrajinskem konfliktu med februarjem 2014 in februarjem 2023. Identificirani in preučeni so tradicionalni elementi ruske strateške kulture: teritorialni ekspanzionizem, nagnjenost k ofenzivnemu vojaškemu delovanju, obravnavanje uporabe vojaške sile kot primernega sredstva za dosego političnih ciljev, paranoidna zaznava ogroženosti – podoba oblegane utrdbe in nezaupanje do Zahoda, strah pred barvnimi revolucijami ter ideja o ruski veličini in sledenje položaju velike sile. Tradicionalni elementi ruske strateške kulture se odražajo na delovanju Ruske federacije v rusko-ukrajinskem konfliktu ter ga na ta način pojasnjujejo. Vzorec potrjuje kontinuitete znotraj ruske strateške kulture, saj so njeni tradicionalni elementi še vedno prisotni ter so del sodobne strateške kulture Ruske federacije.
Keywords:ruska strateška kultura, rusko-ukrajinski konflikt, delovanje držav
Year of publishing:2023
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:158899971 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kogoj_Mark_i2023.pdf (466,25 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Strategic culture and the Russian federation's engagement in the Russia-Ukraine conflicts
Abstract:The paper examines Russia's strategic culture and its behaviour in Russia Ukraine conflict between February 2014 and February 2023. It identifies and examines traditional elements of Russian strategic culture, such as territorial expansionism, a tendency towards offensive military action, the perception of the use of military force as an appropriate means to achieve political goals, a paranoid threat perception - the image of the besieged fortress and distrust of the West, fear of coloured revolutions, and the idea of Russia’s greatness and pursuit of international great power status. As the article shows, traditional elements of Russian strategic culture are reflected in and explain Russian Federation’s behaviour in the Russia Ukraine conflict. This pattern confirms the continuity within Russian strategic culture, as its traditional elements are still present and define the contemporary strategic culture of the Russian Federation.
Keywords:strategic culture, russian strategic culture, Russia-Ukraine conflict, behaviour of states


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