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TitleThe effects of armed conflicts on the environment
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Padányi, József (Author)
Földi, László (Author)
Language:EnglishWork type:UnknownTipology:1.02 - Review ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:built and natural environment, pollution, devastation of war, Russia-Ukraine warUDC:355.48(470:477):504.61:355.01article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:158731779Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 1602 ogledov; 1 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Padanyi_Foldi_i2023.pdf (551,34 KB)
Abstract:With the ongoing Russian military operations against Ukraine, reviewing the impact of the military forces’ activities on the environment is crucial. The topic is relevant not only because the devastation is immeasurable, but also because all the data proves that wars have effects that accelerate climate change. In this paper we review some of the environmental issues arising from Russian aggression, and we also refer to the effects of previous military conflicts of this kind. We deal with the pollution caused by war and the relationship between war and water. We touch on the destruction of some aspects of infrastructure (cultural goods, energy, health, transport) and its consequences.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Vplivi oboroženih spopadov na okoljeAbstract:Zaradi nenehnih ruskih vojaških operacij v Ukrajini je pregled vpliva dejavnosti vojaških sil na okolje zelo pomemben. Ta tematika ni pomembna le zato, ker je opustošenje neizmerno, temveč tudi zato, ker vsi podatki dokazujejo, da vojne vplivajo na pospešene podnebne spremembe. V tem prispevku ponujamo pregled nekaterih okoljskih vprašanj, ki so posledica ruske agresije, pogledamo pa tudi učinke prejšnjih tovrstnih vojaških spopadov. Obravnavamo onesnaževanje, ki ga povzroča vojna, ter povezavo med vojno in vodo ter se dotaknemo uničevanja določene infrastrukture (kulturne dobrine, energija, zdravje, promet) in njegovih posledic.Keywords:grajeno in naravno okolje, vojno opustošenje, rusko-ukrajinska vojna