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Title:Sodelovanje Slovenske vojske v boju proti terorizmu : zaključna naloga [9.] generalštabnega šolanja
Authors:Hafner, Gregor (Author)
Potočnik, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Predmet preučevanja v tej nalogi je sodelovanje Slovenske vojske v boju proti terorizmu v mirnodobnem času na ozemlju Republike Slovenije. Poglavitni cilj je ugotoviti, katere so naloge in pristojnosti Slovenske vojske na področju boja proti terorizmu, in identificirati morebitne pomanjkljivosti ali nejasnosti normativnega okvira in razvojno-usmerjevalnih dokumentov. Na podlagi celovite analize naloga v zaključnem poglavju ponudi predloge izboljšanja stanja s poudarkom na okrepitvi sodelovanja Slovenske vojske z drugimi pomembnimi akterji nacionalnovarnostnega sistema Republike Slovenije na področju boja proti terorizmu. Drugi cilj naloge je dognati, kako so opredeljene naloge pomembnejših akterjev nacionalnovarnostnega sistema Republike Slovenije ter ugotoviti, kako se to odraža v aktivnostih boja proti terorizmu. Ta cilj naloga dosega z analizo sistema kriznega upravljanja in vodenja v Republiki Sloveniji. V nalogi so preučeni strategije oziroma mehanizmi izbranih mednarodnih organizacij na področju boja proti terorizmu. Pri tem se ugotavlja, katere vloge so na tem področju namenjene državam članicam. Analiza zakonskega okvira in strateških razvojno-usmerjevalnih dokumentov Republike Slovenije na obrambno-varnostnem področju pokaže, da Slovenska vojska v mirnodobnem času na ozemlju Republike Slovenije ni primarni nosilec boja proti terorizmu. Kljub temu v okviru sedanjih zakonskih pooblastil lahko izvaja številne protiteroristične naloge, tako samostojno kot v sodelovanju z drugimi državnimi organi. Z aplikacijo teoretičnih izhodišč, trendov širitve nalog oboroženih sil, izkušenj sodelovanja Slovenske vojske z drugimi državnimi organi v migrantski krizi in pri varovanju državne meje ter ob naravnih in drugih nesrečah dokazujemo, da je treba na področju boja proti terorizmu predvideti več vključevanja Slovenske vojske. Pri tem se ves čas ohranja zavedanje, da z angažiranjem vojske na področju notranje varnosti vstopamo na zahtevno področje, na katerem je treba ravnati zelo preudarno. Tukaj lahko namreč (morebitna) pooblastila ali celo uporaba prisilnih sredstev represivnega državnega organa trčijo v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine posameznika. Temeljni znanstveni pristop, uporabljen v zaključni nalogi, je dedukcija. Pri analiziranju predmeta preučevanja sta obsežno uporabljeni deskriptivna in komparativna metoda. Ugotovitve, ki so se pojavile na podlagi metode analize primarnih in sekundarnih pisnih virov, predstavljajo izhodišče za verifikacijo hipotez, oblikovanje odgovora na raziskovalno vprašanje in formulacijo predlogov izboljšanja sodelovanja Slovenske vojske z drugimi državnimi organi v boju proti terorizmu.
Keywords:boj proti terorizmu, nacionalnovarnostni sistem, krizno upravljanje
Year of publishing:2022
Publisher:[G. Hafner]
COBISS_ID:147947779 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Hafner_Gregor_i2022.pdf (2,14 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Subject matter of study of this paper is Slovenian Armed Forces’ cooperation in countering terrorism during peacetime on the territory of Republic of Slovenia. Principal aim is to establish which are the tasks and powers assigned to Slovenian Armed Forces regarding counter-terrorism and to identify possible deficiencies or ambiguities of the legal framework and development and guidance documents. Based on the comprehensive examination of the subject of study the final chapter of the paper offers proposals for existing condition improvement with an emphasis on enhancing Slovenian Armed Forces cooperation with other relevant government entities of the Slovenian national security system on the field of counter-terrorism. Secondary aim of the paper is to establish how the tasks of key actors within the Slovenia’s national security system are defined, and to determine how this reflects in counter-terrorism activities. The latter is achieved through analysis of Slovenia’s crisis management system. The paper also examines counter-terrorism strategies and mechanisms of selected international organisations with the aim to determine what role is assigned to member states in the field of counter-terrorism. Analysis of Slovenia's legal framework as well as strategic development and guidance documents related to security and defence shows that the Slovenian Armed Forces, at peacetime within the territory of Slovenia, is not the primary counter-terrorism operator. Nevertheless, the Slovenian Armed Forces can conduct numerous counter-terrorism tasks within the existing legal jurisdictions, either autonomously or in cooperation with other government agencies. By applying conclusions of researched theoretical baseline, expansion trends of armed forces’ tasks, experience resulting from cooperation of Slovenian Armed Forces with other government agencies during migration crisis, border protection and natural and other disasters relief operations, we argue that a more significant role should be assigned to Slovenian Armed Forces in countering terrorism. During this consideration, we remain aware that use of armed forces in internal security tasks presents a delicate sphere where one must act with extreme caution. Here namely, (potential) powers or perhaps even authority for the use of means of coercion by a repressive government agency can collide with human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals. Deduction is the underlying scientific approach used in this paper. In analysing the subject matter, descriptive method and comparative method were used extensively. Findings, resulting from applying the method of content analysis of primary and secondary written sources, represent the basis for testing the hypotheses, forming the answer to research question and formulating proposals for improvement of Slovenian Armed Forces’ cooperation with other government agencies in the field of counter-terrorism.
Keywords:counter-terrorism, national security system, crisis management, Slovenian Armed Forces


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