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Title:Eight months of war in Ukraine : implications for the development of armed forces from an Austrian (European) perspective
Authors:Sandtner, Berthold (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference Contribution
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:There are three major dimensions which justify a closer examination when looking at the implications for the development of armed forces from lessons from the war in Ukraine: the strategic, conceptual/doctrinal, and capability development dimensions. Nuclear deterrence capabilities, as well as alliances, turned out to be paramount multipliers at the strategic level. Doctrinally, a comprehensive understanding of hybrid warfare should trigger a capability development, not only fuelled by likelihood but also by considering the most dangerous courses of action. Finally, capabilities should be generated, provided and trained for what they are planned to be employed for. A robust and capable command and control architecture is paramount in order to compensate conventional asymmetry and act decisively and successfully.
Keywords:war in Ukraine, Austrian Armed Forces, military capability development, command and control, nuclear deterrence, hybrid warfare
Year of publishing:2023
COBISS_ID:147546883 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Sandtner_Berthold_i2023.pdf (459,33 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Osem mesecev vojne v Ukrajini
Abstract:Obstajajo tri velike razsežnosti, ki jih je treba natančneje preučiti v zvezi z vplivom izkušenj, pridobljenih v vojni v Ukrajini, na razvoj oboroženih sil. Strateška razsežnost, konceptualna oziroma doktrinarna razsežnost in razsežnost razvoja zmogljivosti. Pokazalo se je, da zmogljivosti zavezništev in odvračanja od jedrskega napada najpomembneje pomnožijo moč na strateški ravni. Doktrinarno celostno razumevanje hibridnega vojskovanja bi moralo sprožiti razvoj zmogljivosti, ki ga ne poganja le verjetnost, temveč obenem predvideva tudi najnevarnejše variante delovanja. Navsezadnje pa bi morale biti zmogljivosti ustvarjene, zagotovljene in usposobljene za načrtovano uporabo. Robustna in sposobna struktura poveljevanja in kontrole je bistvenega pomena za izravnavo običajne nesimetrije in za odločno in uspešno ukrepanje.
Keywords:vojna v Ukrajini, Avstrijska vojska, razvoj vojaških zmogljivosti, poveljevanje in kontrola, odvračanje od jedrskega napada, hibridno vojskovanje


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