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TitleModelling and simulation to address NATOS's new and existing military requirements [Elektronski vir] : Le rôle de la modélisation et de la simulation dans la prise en compte des besoins militaires nouveaux et existants de l'OTAN
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:NATO RTO Modelling and Simulation Conference, (Author)
Kerin, Anton (Author)
North Atlantic, Treaty Organization (Author)
Language:EnglishWork type:Not categorizedOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:Military policy, Congresses, Command and control systems, Simulation methods, Congresses, vojska, vojaška politika, kontrolni sistemi, NATOISBN:92-837-1137-8UDC:355ontolib (digital library MORS 1):59COBISS_ID:2502606Link is opened in a new window
Note:Nasl z nasl. zaslona. ,Na disketi: "Papers presented at the NATO RTO Modelling and Simulation Conference, held in Koblenz, Germany, on 7 and 8 October 2004.",Na disketi: "AC/323(MSG-028)TP/15.",Sistemske zahteve: Računalnik ; CD-ROM enota.; 1 elektronski vir (CD-ROM) : barve ; 12 cm.
Statistika: 9795 ogledov; 154 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf MP-MSG-028-02.pdf (1,38 MB)
.pdf MP-MSG-028-03.pdf (2,70 MB)
.pdf MP-MSG-028-01.pdf (144,23 KB)
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