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Title:European security and defence : a breakthrough or simply muddling through
Authors:Zandee, Dick (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.03 - Short Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:This article presents the gap between what has already been agreed and planned in the field of the European Unionʼs Common Security and Defence Policy in the past, and what we have actually achieved. We focus on the EUʼs strategic autonomy and the credibility of European military forces. The process of creating the Strategic Compass is an opportunity to rethink Europeʼs security future, to unify the positions of the Member States, and to increase realism in bridging the gap between rhetoric and action. For greater strategic autonomy and the credibility of the military, we propose improvements in eight actions.
Keywords:EU common security and defence policy, Strategic compass, European military forces
Year of publishing:2021
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:81167875 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Zandee_Dick_i2021.pdf (256,29 KB)
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Title:Evropska varnost in obramba
Abstract:V članku je predstavljen razkorak med tem, o čemer smo se na področju Skupne varnostne in obrambne politike Evropske unije že dogovorili in kar smo načrtovali, pa tega še vedno nismo dosegli. Osredotočamo se na njeno strateško avtonomijo in kredibilnost evropskih vojaških sil. Postopek nastajanja Strateškega kompasa je priložnost za ponoven premislek o evropski varnostni prihodnosti in poenotenju stališč držav članic ter za več realizma pri zmanjševanju razkoraka med retoriko in dejanji. Za njeno večjo strateško avtonomijo in kredibilnost vojaških sil predlagamo izboljšave na osmih področjih.
Keywords:Skupna varnostna in obrambna politika Evropske unije, Strateški kompas, strateška avtonomija Evropske unije, evropske vojaške sile


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