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Title:Ročna protioklepna orožja SV : analiza potreb za SrPB
Authors:Barać, Miro (Author)
Zelenko, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Republika Slovenija in s tem Slovenska vojska se je za izvajanje nalog v okviru Severnoatlantskega zavezništva zavezala zagotavljati dve srednji bataljonski bojni skupini. Pri tem srednja pehotna bataljona Slovenske vojske predstavljata jedri okoli katerih se bosta bojni skupini formirali, za kar pa bosta morala biti primerno usposobljena, opremljena in oborožena. Delo pred vami obravnava ročno protioklepno oborožitev srednjih pehotnih bataljonov. V njem podajamo pregled razvoja ročnega protioklepnega orožja in skozi primerjalno analizo orožij, zgodovinskih izkušenj ter opremljenosti pehotnih enot tujih oboroženih sil razmišljamo o vrsti in številu ročnih protioklepnih orožij za potrebe srednjih pehotnih bataljonov Slovenske vojske. Čeprav je Slovenska vojska že izbrala svoja ročna protioklepna orožja, bomo skozi nalogo poskusili potrditi primernost tega izbora.
Keywords:ročno protioklepno orožje, oklepna vozila, protioklepni boj, Slovenska vojska, srednji pehotni bataljon
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:[M. Barać]
COBISS_ID:73872899 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Barac_Miro_i2021.pdf (1,80 MB)
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Abstract:The Republic of Slovenia and thus the Slovenian Armed Forces undertook to provide two medium battalion battle groups for the implementation of tasks within the North Atlantic Alliance. The middle infantry battalions of the Slovenian Armed Forces represents the nuclei around which the two battle groups will be formed, for which they will have to be suitably trained, equipped and armed. The following work deals with the shoulder-fired, anti-tank weapons of the middle infantry battalions. It provides an overview of the development of shoulder-fired, anti-tank weapons and through comparative analysis of weapons, historical experiences and equipment of infantry units of foreign armed forces, we consider the type and number of shoulder-fired, anti-tank weapons for the needs of medium infantry battalions of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Although the Slovenian Armed Forces has already selected its hand-held anti-armour weapons, we will try to confirm the suitability of the selection.
Keywords:shoulder-fired, anti-tank weapon, armoured vehicles, anti-armour combat, Slovenian Armed Forces, middle infantry battalion


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