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Title:The process of devising The Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia
Authors:Humar, David (Author)
Raduha, Nina (Author)
Work type:Article
Tipology:1.03 - Short Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The article presents the process of developing the Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia within the Slovenian Armed Forces, with the aim of building historical memory, and in the strengthening belief that defence and security are a continual process that cannot be subjected to everyday political mood, but must be a wellplanned process, departmentally coordinated at all levels, which is finally written into a strategy. NATO and the EU are intensively adopting new defence and military strategies, followed by the Republic of Slovenia with its first proposal of a Military Strategy. A key role in writing the proposed strategy was played by the process within the Slovenian Armed Forces, which ensured the strengthening and systematization of military thought, the synchronization of its understanding, and harmonization with defence-military documents.
Keywords:military strategy, process of drafting military strategy, Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia
Year of publishing:2021
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:72693251 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Humar_David_i2021.pdf (441,52 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Oblikovanje Vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije
Abstract:V članku je predstavljen potek priprave predloga Vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije znotraj Slovenske vojske z namenom oblikovanja zgodovinskega spomina in krepitve prepričanja, da sta obramba in varnost stalen proces, ki ne more biti odvisen od vsakodnevnega političnega razpoloženja, temveč mora biti dobro načrtovan, nivojsko in resorno usklajen proces, ki je na koncu zapisan v strategijah. Nato in EU intenzivno sprejemata nove strategije na obrambnem in vojaškem področju. Sledi jima Republika Slovenija z oblikovanjem prvega predloga Vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije. Bistveno vlogo pri oblikovanju predloga strategije do zdaj je imel proces, ki je zagotovil krepitev in sistematizacijo vojaške misli, poenotenje razumevanj znotraj Slovenske vojske in usklajenost z obrambno-vojaškimi dokumenti.
Keywords:vojaška strategija, potek priprave vojaške strategije, Vojaška strategija Republike Slovenije


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