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Title:Delovanje Slovenske vojske v času epidemije covida-19
Authors:Kremžar Kovač, Tanja (Author)
Work type:Article
Tipology:1.04 - Professional Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:V prispevku je predstavljen pojav epidemije covida-19 v Republiki Sloveniji, s poudarkom na delovanju Slovenske vojske. Opisujemo odziv Slovenske vojske na epidemijo in postopke ter procese, ki jih je izvajala na svojih nalogah tako doma kot v mednarodnih operacijah in na misijah v tujini, ter omogočila dodatno podporo državi in državljanom pri spoprijemanju z novim virusom. Poudarek je na postopkih in procesih, vodenih v Vojaški zdravstveni enoti, za spremljanje epidemioloških razmer. Delovanje Slovenske vojske, ki se navezuje na delovanje njihovih zdravstvenih enot med epidemijo covida-19, primerjamo z nekaterimi drugimi oboroženimi silami.
Keywords:covid-19, epidemija, virus, Slovenska vojska, Vojaška zdravstvena enota
Year of publishing:2021
UDC:355.415.6:579 :616.921.5:616-036.21
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:68066051 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kremzar_Kovac_Tanja_i2021.pdf (711,08 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Activities of the Slovenian Armed Forces during the COVID-19 epidemic
Abstract:The article presents the phenomenon of the COVID-19 epidemic in the Republic of Slovenia with focus on the activities of the Slovenian Armed Forces. It describes the response of the Slovenian Armed Forces to the epidemic, and the procedures and processes applied as part of its missions at home and in international operations and missions abroad. These activities provided additional support to the state and its citizens in dealing with the new virus. The emphasis is put on the procedures and processes of the Military Medical Unit aimed at monitoring the epidemiological situation. Additionally, the epidemic-related activities of the Slovenian Armed Forces and its medical units are compared to the activities of several other armed forces.
Keywords:COVID-19, epidemic, virus, Slovenian Armed Forces, Military Medical Unit


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