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Readiness of European countries for the return of foreign fighters of Islamic state
Denis Čaleta, Sara Perković, 2020

Abstract: This analysis will consider whether foreign fighters pose a real danger to European security, knowing that the potential threat is always possible. Up to now, assessing the threat of returning foreign fighters has been very difficult. In this article we have attempted to analyze the attacks that have been carried out by returning foreign fighters in Belgium and France. Our research compared the politics of individual countries with the common foreign and security policy of the EU. We have investigated how these countries are dealing with the return of foreign fighters and what measures have been taken in this regard. In addition, we have tried to evaluate whether they are more focused on the prosecution of returning foreign fighters or whether their focus is connected with deradicalization and reintegration programmes.
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Summary of found: ...foreign fighters, terrorism, Islamic state, EU, legislation...
Keywords: foreign fighters, terrorism, Islamic state, EU, legislation
Published: 07.10.2020; Views: 4767; Downloads: 8
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Rethinking the basic police training policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Milica Sikimić, 2022

Abstract: Several terrorist attacks have occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 21st century, and all the security agencies in the country are dealing with the prevention and counteraction of terrorism. Training of police officers is conducted in three different training centres, and law enforcement officers have an average of 25 working weeks of basic police training. The main goal of this paper is to examine the representation of the topics of prevention and counterterrorism in the curricula of basic/entry police training conducted in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). The results obtained revealed that it is possible for a police officer (policeman) or criminal inspector to not have had a single lesson on the topic of terrorism during their training.
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Summary of found: ...dealing with the prevention and counteraction of terrorism. Training of police officers is conducted in...
Keywords: police officers, terrorism, law enforcement, training policy, Bosna in Hercegovina
Published: 28.12.2022; Views: 2127; Downloads: 22
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Analysis of the armed conflict: a case study of Lord’s Resistance Army
Klemen Kocjančič, 2023

Abstract: One of the longest-running terrorist groups on the African continent is the Lord’s Resistance Army, originating from Uganda. Using the Christianity combined with local animism and Islam as the basis of their ideology and focusing at first on the protection of the Acholi people, this group evolved from fighting their enemies to oppressing their own people. Initially an internal conflict, the activities of the Lord’s Resistance Army spread throughout the region through a proxy war between neighbouring countries, until eventually international intervention was called for. Based on the Conflict Assessment Framework, combined with other methods, this armed conflict is analysed, showing the progress of the conflict through the time.
Found in: ključnih besedah
Summary of found: ...of the conflict, Lord’s Resistance Army, counterinsurgency, terrorism, insurgency...
Keywords: analysis of the conflict, Lord’s Resistance Army, counterinsurgency, terrorism, insurgency
Published: 05.01.2024; Views: 1471; Downloads: 6
.pdf Fulltext (432,31 KB)

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