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Title:Izgorelost pripadnikov Slovenske vojske in preprečevanje pojava izgorelosti : diplomska naloga
Authors:Lukić, Zoran (Author)
Golob Strmšek, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Simonič, Robert (Co-mentor)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Ljudje so včasih, za razliko od danes, ko je tempo življenja iz dneva v dan hitrejši, živeli bolj umirjeno. Neustavljiv tempo nas v današnjem času tako na zasebnem kot tudi na službenem področju vedno bolj potiska v kot. To se nam dogaja zaradi dolgih urnikov, pritiskov, kratkih rokov, slabih medosebnih odnosov. Od zaposlenih se na delovnih mestih iz leta v leto zahteva vedno več. Obvladovati in pokrivati je potrebno vedno več področij dela. Zaposleni za doseganje rokov delovne obveznosti pogosto odnašajo s seboj domov in opravljajo nadurno delo. Čeprav imajo delavci kopico nerešenih nalog, jim njihovi nadrejeni dodajajo še več novih. Zaposleni si kljub preobremenjenosti ne upajo reči ne, ker se bojijo izgube službe. Posledica vsega tega je manj časa za prostočasne aktivnosti. Tako na delovnem mestu kakor tudi v privatnem življenju želijo blesteti na vseh področjih; od starševstva, prijateljstva in udejstvovanja na družbenih omrežjih. Kopičenje stisk, pritiskov in stresnih situacij lahko človeka privede do izgorelosti. Izgorelost je bolezen, ki ima dolgotrajne negativne posledice za posameznika in za organizacijo, zato je ključnega pomena, da se prvi znaki prepoznajo pravočasno in se zoper njih pravilno in pravočasno ukrepa. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem opredelil pojem izgorelosti, za katerega sem predpostavljal, da je pogosto prisoten med pripadniki Slovenske vojske (v nadaljevanju SV). V raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge sem raziskoval poznavanje, pojavnost ter najpogostejše pokazatelje izgorelosti med pripadniki SV. Prav tako sem preverjal učinkovitost spoprijemanja zaposlenih v SV z izgorelostjo ter vzroke in posledice, ki privedejo do izgorelosti na delovnem mestu. Analiza raziskovalnih podatkov je pokazala, da pripadniki Slovenske vojske večinoma pravočasno prepoznajo znake izgorelosti in se z njimi znajo tudi učinkovito in pravočasno spopasti.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, stres, izgorelost, pokazatelji stresa, pokazatelji izgorelosti, preprečevanje izgorelosti
Year of publishing:2019
Publisher:[Z. Lukić]
COBISS_ID:6304718 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf UNI_Lukic_Zoran_i2019.pdf (597,56 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:People used to lead simple lives, unlike today, when the pace of life is speeding up almost on a daily basis. Today%s unstoppable pace of life is exerting pressure on our personal and professional lives. This happens because of long schedules, pressures, short deadlines, and poor interpersonal relationships. Throughout the years, demands on employees have increased. They must excel in and cover numerous fields of work. In order to meet the deadlines, employees often take their work home with them and work overtime. Even though they have a number of tasks which they still need to solve, their superiors add new tasks to their workload. Despite being overworked, they are afraid to say no in fear of losing their job. Consequently, they have less and less time for their personal life. The same as at work, they want to excel in all spheres of their personal life, from parenthood and time spent with friends to social networks. The accumulation of distress, pressure, and stressful situations can lead to burnout. Burnout is a disease with long-term negative consequences for the individual and the organisation and it is therefore of key importance to be able to recognise the signs on time and take appropriate action. This paper defines the concept of burnout which the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces are faced with in our jobs. A questionnaire was used to try to show familiarity with the concept of burnout and to study the most frequent indicators of job burnout. The second step was the coping of employees with burnout as well as the causes and consequences leading to job burnout. The filled in questionnaires have allowed us to conclude that members of the Slovenian Armed Forces mainly recognise signs of burnout on time and know how to cope with them. The diploma thesis was prepared with the help of references, online resources, and the questionnaire. Our own experience and findings of the studied material were added.
Keywords:Slowenian army, stress, burnout, symptoms of stress, symptoms of burnout, burnout prevention


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