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TitleUvajanje sistema vodenja in kontrole v organizacijo : diplomska naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Velikogne, Boštjan (Author)
Mladič, Bogomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Strelec, Roman (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Undergraduate thesisTipology:2.11 - Undergraduate ThesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:izobraževanje, usposabljanje, programiUDC:005.551:37:004.42(043.2)COBISS_ID:6292942Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5449 ogledov; 93 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf UNI_Velikogne_Bostjan_i2010.pdf (617,57 KB)
Abstract:V organizacijo se je začel uvajati nov informacijski sistem vodenja in kontrole. Prej organizacija sama takšnega sistema ni uporabljala, je pa uporabljen ta sistem v drugih organizacijah in zavoljo kompatibilnosti ter interoperabilnosti je bila nuja po uvedbi tega sistema. Uvedba in uporaba novega sistema predstavlja velik zalogaj tako pri organizaciji uvedbe, pripravi in izvedbi načrtov za uvajanje, kot pri izobraževanju izvajalcev usposabljanj, usposabljanju končnih uporabnikov ter ne nazadnje nadzora izvedbe uvajanja kot tudi nadzora in ocenjevanja efektivnosti sistema. Namen te naloge ni predstaviti celotno uvedbo sistema od sestavljanja osnovnih parametrov, izvedbe zbiranja ponudb, itd., vse do nakupa in uvedbe sistema. V tej nalogi nameravam predstaviti sistem, predvsem pa težave pri izdelavi programov za usposabljanje uporabnikov, načine usposabljanja in ovire pri izvedbi. Z nalogo sem predstavil potek izobraževanja in usposabljanja v organizaciji in prišel do ugotovitve, da je sistem izobraževanja in usposabljanja v organizaciji dobro utečen in organiziran navkljub nekaterim dejavnikom, na katere sem ob koncu opozoril in predlagal možne načine reševanja.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:A new informatics system for command and control started to be integrated into an organization. The organization did not use such a system before, but the system was widely used by other similar organizations therefore a necessity of implementing such a system due to compatibility and interoperability was a must. Implementation and usage of a new system presents a huge effort in organization of implementation, preparations and executions of implementation plans, as well as by educating the instructors, users and not the last performing a sufficient control and grading of implementation program and efficiency of the system. The purpose of this assignment is not the introduction of whole system implementation from basic parameter grounding, performing tender collection, etc., all to the system purchase and implementation. In this assignment my purpose is an introduction of the system, but mainly problems by producing programs for user training, a way the training is conducted and obstacles by the performance. I introduced way of education and training in the organization with the assignment and concluded that the system of education and training in the organization well organized and performed despite some factors, to which I alerted and proposed solutions at the end of the assignment.Keywords:education, training, program