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Title:Posttravmatski stresni sindrom pri udeležencih vojaških misij : [diplomska naloga]
Authors:Butala, Mojca (Author)
Pišljar, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Čuk, Vesna (Co-mentor)
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Posttravmatska stresna motnja že v svojem imenu nakazuje, da je za njen nastanek potreben nek stresni dogodek, ki ima globok in dolgotrajen vpliv na posameznika. Pripadniki Slovenske vojske na različnih ravneh in področjih opravljajo različna dela, ne glede na to, pa za delovni položaj mnogi vojaki občutijo preobremenjenost z raznimi nalogami, kot so misije v tujini. Le-te puščajo posledice stresa in različnih psihičnih težav s travmami pri vojakih. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti delovanje preventivnih priprav vojaka na misijo ter soočanje vojakov s posttravmatskim stresnim sindromom po prihodu z misije. Za raziskavo smo uporabili metodo anketiranja pri dveh skupinah v dveh vojašnicah. Prva skupina so vojaki in vojakinje, ki so v domačem okolju (kot kontrolno-primerjalna skupina), druga skupina pa vojaki in vojakinje po opravljeni misiji. Izvedli smo dve vrsti anket. Splošna anketa je bila namenjena prvi in drugi skupini vojakov in vojakinj. Z njo smo ugotavljali prisotnost stresa na delovnem mestu ter razlike med njima. Druga je bila specialna anketa, ki je bila namenjena drugi skupini vojakov in vojakinj. S tem vprašalnikom smo ugotavljali prisotnost posttravmatskega stresnega sindroma pri udeležencih vojaških misij. Glede na rezultate obeh anket smo potrjevali podane hipoteze. Ugotovili smo, da je stres na delovnem mestu pri prvi skupini vojakov in vojakinj dobro obvladljiv ter da v drugi skupini vojakov in vojakinj v večini primerov ni prisotnosti posttravmatske stresne motnje, saj je 67 % vojakov in vojakinj brez simptomov in znakov, 17 % ima nekaj simptomov, 16 % pa številne simptome posttravmatske stresne motnje. Ugotovili smo, da druga skupina vojakov in vojakinj slabše obvladuje stres na delovnem mestu.
Keywords:stres, travma, posttravmatska stresna motnja, zdravljenje, preventivne priprave, preventive preparation, vojaške misije
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[M. Butala]
COBISS_ID:512179001 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf UNI_Butala_Mojca_i2011.pdf (981,07 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Posttraumatic stress sindrom among the participants of military missions
Abstract:Post-traumatic stress disorder has in his own name suggests that it is necessary for its formation a stressful event, which has a profound and lasting impact on the individual. Slovenian Armed Forces at various levels and fields of performing various jobs, regardless of whether the working position for many soldiers feel overloaded with various tasks, such as missions abroad. That tasks leaves stress and various psychological problems of trauma in soldiers. The purpose is to study the functioning of preventive preparations soldier on a mission and meet the soldiers with post-traumatic stress syndrome after returning from the mission. For the study, we used the method of interview between the two groups, with two polls, the two barracks. The first group of soldiers who are in the home environment (as a control-comparison group) and another group of soldiers after the mission. We performed two types of surveys. General Survey, which was given first and the second group of soldiers and female soldiers.This survey was used to determine the presence of stress in the workplace and the differences between them. Another survey was special, which was given to another group of soldiers and female soldiers (after the mission). This questionnaire was used to determine the presence of post-traumatic stress syndrome among the participants of military missions. Based on the results of both surveys are given confirming the hypothesis. We found that the stress in the workplace, in the first group of soldiers and female soldiers, well controllable and that the second group of soldiers and female soldiers, in most cases not the presence of post-traumatic stress disorder, since 67% of soldiers and female soldiers without symptoms and signs, 17% have some symptoms, 16% a number of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. We found that another group of soldiers and female soldiers less control stress at the workplace.
Keywords:post-traumatic stress disorder, stress, trauma, treatment, military mission, preventive preparation


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