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Title:Primerjava med Obveščevalno varnostno službo Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije in obveščevalnimi organi Slovenske vojske : diplomsko delo
Authors:Rebernik, Matej (Author)
Ivanuša, Teodora (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Ustrezne informacije so nujna podlaga za kakršnekoli odločitve. Brez pravočasnih in zanesljivih informacij se težko sprejemajo kvalitetne in učinkovite rešitve. To velja predvsem za strateške in politične odločitve, ki jih sprejemajo državni oblikovalci politik, vlada ter vojaško vodstvo. Uporabniki informacij pa le-te pridobijo od obveščevalnih služb, za katere je Churchill dejal, da so zlate gosi, ki ležejo zlata jajca, vendar ne kvakajo. Učinkovita in kompetentna obveščevalna dejavnost je eden izmed temeljnih stebrov za obstoj suverene in neodvisne države, ki želi zavarovati svoj nacionalni interes ter biti spoštovana in enakopravna država v mednarodnem prostoru. Obveščevalno podporo v Republiki Sloveniji na področju obrambe države nudita dva sistema, ki sta medsebojno povezana in soodvisna. Pod okriljem Ministrstva za obrambo je izoblikovana Obveščevalno varnostna služba, ki je obrambnostrateška obveščevalna služba, njeni uporabniki pa so državni oblikovalci obrambne in nacionalnovarnostne politike. Informacije, ki jih nudi OVS, so podlaga za strateške obrambne odločitve, kakor tudi za obveščevalno podporo pripadnikom SV na mirovnih misijah. Drugo vejo na področju obveščevalne dejavnosti na obrambnem področju pa sestavlja vojaška obveščevalna dejavnost Slovenske vojske, ki preko štabnih obveščevalno varnostnih organov G/J/S-2 ter ostalih specializiranih obveščevalno varnostnih struktur nudi obveščevalno podporo poveljstvu za operativne in taktične potrebe znotraj štabnega procesa. Oba sistema skupaj nudita nujne obveščevalne informacije, ki so podlaga tako za ustrezne obrambnopolitične odločitve, kot tudi za operativno zaščito oboroženih sil ter za sprejemanje pravočasnih in ustreznih ukrepov.
Keywords:obveščevalne službe, obveščevalno varnostne službe, obveščevalna dejavnost, Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, MORS, Slovenska vojska, diplomske naloge
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:M. Rebernik]
COBISS_ID:1945066 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf UNI_Rebernik_Matej_i2010.pdf (1,14 MB)
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Abstract:Adequate information is the foundation for all kinds of decisions. It is hard to reach quality and effective solutions without reliable and timely presented information. This applies even more for strategic and political decisions, which are adopted by national policy shapers, the government and military leadership. The above mentioned authorities receive these information from intelligence agencies, which Churchill described as %the geese that laid the golden eggs, but never cackled%. An effective and competent intelligence activity presents one of the basic foundations of a sovereign and independent country with its own national interests and the aim to be respected and treated as an equal on an international scale. In Slovenia the intelligence support within the area of national defense is provided by two systems that are connected and interdependent. The Ministry of defense forms the Intelligence and security service which is a defense-strategic intelligence service whose users form the defense and national security policies. The information provided by the Intelligence and security service is fundamental for strategic defense decisions as well as for the intelligence support for the troops of the Slovenian army abroad. The other branch of the defense intelligence system consists of the military intelligence activities of the Slovenian armed forces. Through the staff intelligence and security sectors G/J/S-2 and other specialized units they provide intelligence support to the command for operative and tactical support within the staff processes. Together both systems offer crucial intelligence information which is the basis for political decisions on defense as well as for the force protection and adopting timely and appropriate measures.
Keywords:defense stretegic intelligence activity, military intelligence activity, defense policies, Intelligence and security service, international cooperation


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