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Title:Sodelovanje Slovenske vojske in policije v emigrantski krizi : zaključna naloga višjega štabnega tečaja
Authors:Kurdija, Tomaž (Author)
Potočnik, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Oblike sodelovanja med Slovensko vojsko in policijo so določene z ustreznimi načrti, ki sta jih pripravila glavna nosilca nacionalno varnostnega sistema in so osnova za načrtovanje sodelovanja in usmeritve za delo. Vlada Republike Slovenije je koncem leta 2015, v času največjega migracijskega toka, sprejela sklep, da bo Slovenska vojska nudila pomoč policiji pri širšem varovanju državne meje, kar je v začetku leta 2016 potrdil Državni zbor s sklepom o izvajanju izjemnih pooblastil, ki jih lahko uporablja Slovenska vojska pri nadzoru meje. Postavljen je bil pravni okvir na podlagi katerega so pripadniki Slovenske vojske dobili možnost uporabe navedenih izjemnih pooblastil v skladu 37a členom Zakona o obrambi. Slovenska vojska že s svojo prisotnostjo na državni meji deluje preventivno in prispeva k zmanjševanju nedovoljenih prehodov čez zeleno mejo. V primeru, da pride do situacije, kjer policisti izvajajo postopke z nezakonitimi migranti, pa so pripadniki Slovenske vojske nepogrešljivi člen, ki zagotavljajo varnost policistom. Pri izvajanju nalog v skupnih patruljah lahko pride do potrebe po uporabi danih pooblastil ali prisilnih sredstev. Pri tem je potrebno biti še kako pozoren glede sorazmernosti ter stopnjevanja uporabe sile, ker gre za neposredno poseganje v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine. Zelo pomembna je usposobljenost, strokovnost ter spoštovanje pravnih norm, ki pa se lahko dosega samo s celovitim pristopom v času priprav na izvedbo naloge.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, Policija, ilegalni migranti, begunci, pooblastila, prisilna sredstva, Slovenska vojska, Policija, ilegalni migranti, begunci, pooblastila, prisilna sredstva
Year of publishing:2019
Publisher:[T. Kurdija]
COBISS_ID:6224846 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kurdija_Tomaz_i2019.pdf (1,06 MB)
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Abstract:Foundation of cooperation between the Slovenian Armed Forces and the police are determined by appropriate plans prepared by the main entities of the national security system and they are basis for planning cooperation and guidelines for work. By the end of 2015, at the time of the largest migration flow, the Slovenian Government accepted a decision that the Slovenian Armed Forces will provide assistance to the police in the wider state border protection, which was confirmed at the beginning of 2016 by the National Assembly in a decision on the implementation of the exceptional authorizations that can be used by Slovenian Army in border control framework. A legal framework was established to use these exceptional authorizations in accordance with article 37a of the Defense Law by the members of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The Slovenian Armed Forces act preventive with its presence at the state border and contributes to reducing illicit transitions across the green state border. In the event that a situation arises where police officers are engaged in procedures with illegal migrants, members of the Slovenian Armed Forces are indispensable element that provides security for the police officers. When performing tasks in joint patrols, there may be a need for the use of given authorizations or use of coercive means. In performing though, it is essential to pay attention regarding proportionality and the escalation of use of force, because it involves direct intervention into human rights and fundamental freedoms. Competence, professionalism and respect for legal norms are very important, which can only be achieved through a comprehensive approach in phase of preparation for carrying out the task.


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