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Title:Motiviranje zaposlenih za izobraževanje v SV : diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija
Authors:Podlogar, Robert (Author)
Jereb, Eva (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Zaradi hitrega tehnološkega in druţbenega razvoja, je nenehno izobraţevanje in usposabljanje zaposlenih v Slovenski vojski (SV) zelo pomembno. Njihova javna izobrazba ter vojaško in drugo znanje so izrednega pomena tako za njihovo delo doma in v tujini ter za njihovo osebno varnost in varnost vseh tistih, ki so kakorkoli povezani z njimi. Za izobraţevanje je zelo pomembna motivacija, saj je zadovoljiva motivacija zagotovilo, da bo izobraţevanje uspešno. V diplomskem delu smo ţeleli ugotoviti, kakšna je motiviranost zaposlenih za nadaljnje izobraţevanje v SV, v kolikšni meri jim je izobraţevanje omogočeno, kdo jih pri tem vzpodbuja ter s kakšnimi ovirami se pri tem srečujejo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so zaposleni v Slovenski vojski motivirani za nadaljnja izobraţevanja, navkljub pomanjkanju časa in denarja. Motiviranost za izobraţevanje pa je, ţal, največkrat na osebni ravni posameznika. Menim, da bi morala biti ena temeljnih razvojnih usmeritev na področju izobraţevanja in usposabljanja v SV ustrezno motiviranje in omogočanje dejavnega vključevanja v procese nenehnega učenja ter izpopolnjevanja strokovnega znanja največjemu številu zaposlenih.
Keywords:motivacija, izobraževanje, Slovenska vojska
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[R. Podlogar]
COBISS_ID:6860307 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf UNI_Podlogar_Robert_i2011.pdf (2,21 MB)
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Abstract:Due to quick technological and social development, continuing education and training of Slovenian Armed Forces employees is very important. Their education and military and other knowledge are of vital importance not only for their work at home and abroad but also for their personal security and security of those anyhow related to them. Motivation is very important for education because satisfactory motivation gives a guarantee of successful education. In the diploma work we wanted to determine motivation of the employed for further education in Slovenian Armed Forces, an amount of education facilitation, who are the employed stimulated by and the obstacles they overcome. The research results have shown that Slovenian Armed Forces employees are motivated for further education in spite of their lack of time and money. Unfortunately, motivation for education is many times only on the individual's personal level. In my opinion, one of fundamental development directions in respect of education and training in Slovenian Armed Forces should be appropriate motivation and facilitation of active integration of the greatest number of employed into processes of permanent learning and further expert knowledge training.
Keywords:education, motivation, Slovenian Armed Forces


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