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TitleVodenje potapljaške enote : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Anžič, Aleš (Author)
Simonič, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:High school thesisTipology:2.11 - Undergraduate ThesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:odred za specialno podvodno delovanje, OSPD, vodenje potopaUDC:797.215:359.3:005(043.2)COBISS_ID:512538166Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5719 ogledov; 190 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf VIS_Anzic_Ales_i2018.pdf (1,76 MB)
Abstract:OSPD (odred za specialno podvodno delovanje) je enota, ki je namenjena odkrivanju, identifikaciji, nevtralizaciji, odstranjevanju in uničevanju eksplozivnih naprav, ki predstavljajo nevarnost osebju, infrastrukturi in materialnim sredstvom, ter sodeluje pri iskanju in reševanju na morju in celinskih vodah. Deluje znotraj 430. MOD (mornariški divizijon) skupaj z odredom patruljnih ladij in logistično enoto vojašnice. OSPD je eddina potapljaška enota v SV, v diplomsem delu je opisan način pridobivanja potapljaškega kadra, težave s katerimi se srečuje vodja potopljaške enote na področju kadrovanja. Opisane so prednosti in slabosti udeležbe na vajah in usposabljanjih, doma in v tujini ter izivi s katerimi se srečuje vodja pri organizaciji le teh. Našteti so predpisi in zakoni, ki urejajo področje vojaškega potapljanja. V sklepu sopredlagane možne rešitve in pozitvne ter negativne plati vodenja potapljaške enote. Vodenje potopa je skupek dejavnosti, ukrepov in postopkov, ki jih upoštevajo vsi subjekti potapljanja, od poveljstva pomorske enote, potapljaške enote, subjektov infrastrukture (odgovorne osebe, ko se preiskuje luško infrastrukturo, ladijske doke, jezove hidroelektrarn %) do neposrednih izvajalcev naloge, da se zagotovi varno in kakovostno opravljanje naloge (poročnik bojne ladje Iztok Stančič, poročnik bojne ladje Valdi Pucer, poročnik fregate Miran Balažic in poročnik fregate Miroslav Jug, 2011). Kot poglavitna dejavnost potapljaške enote je vodenju potopa namenjeno celo poglavje. Opisana je shema organiziranosti potopa in našteti vsi organi, ki so udeleženi na samem potopu ter njihova odgovornost in naloge. Našteti so dokumenti načrtovanja in evidentiranja potapljaških aktivnosti ter dejavniki, ki vplivajo na spremembo oziroma prilagajanje same sheme.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:OSPD (Odred za specialno podvodno delovanje % underwater special operations detachment) is the unit whose mission is to locate, identify, disarm, remove and destroy explosive devices which represent a danger to the personnel, infrastructure and assets, and to cooperate in search and rescue missions at sea and inland waters. It operates within the 430th MOD (Mornariški divizion % marine division) in cooperation with the patrol ships detachment and the logistics unit of the military post. OSPD is the only diving unit in the Slovenian Army, the diploma paper describes the method of acquiring diving personnel, the difficulties encountered by the head of the diving unit in the field of personnel recruitment. The advantages and disadvantages of participation in exercises and training, both at home and abroad, are described and the challenges faced by the leader in organizing them. The regulations and laws governing the field of military diving are listed. In the decision, the possible solutions, and the positive and negative aspects of the management of the dive unit are describe. Diving supervision is the set of activities, measures and procedures followed by all the subjects of the dive, from the navy unit command, the diving unit, subjects of the infrastructure (persons in authority when harbour infrastructure, docks, hydro-electric power station dams%) to the operators, in order to ensure the safety and quality of the mission. (Lieutenant Iztok Stančič, Lieutenant Valdi Pucer, Lieutenant Junior Grade Miran Balažic and Lieutenant Junior Grade Miroslav Jug, 2011). The main activity of the dive unit is a diving supervision that why the entire chapter is dedicated to the management of the dive. The scheme of the organization of the dive is described and lists all bodies involved in the dive itself and their responsibilities and tasks. The documents of planning and recording of diving activities and factors influencing the change or adaptation of the scheme itself are listed.Keywords:underwater special operations detachment, OSPD, diving supervision