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Title:Vloga Slovenske vojske pri uresničevanju zunanjepolitičnih interesov in ciljev Republike Slovenije : zaključna naloga generalštabnega šolanja
Authors:Vidergar, Aleksander (Author)
Cebek, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Države svoje strateške nacionalne interese uresničujejo skozi proces zunanje politike. Pri uresničevanju lastnih zunanjepolitičnih interesov in ciljev se morajo spopadati z interesi in cilji drugih držav, pri čemer se je treba zavedati, da ima svojo vlogo tudi Slovenska vojska. Pri tem seveda ne govorimo o vojaški sili, temveč o tem, kako lahko Slovenska vojska pomaga pri uveljavljanju interesov države v mednarodni skupnosti. Ena izmed možnosti so mednarodne operacije in misije (MOM). Pri MOM gre predvsem za zagotavljanje varnosti zunaj države, ki je v tem času še toliko pomembnejša zaradi sodobnih komunikacij in predvsem migracij po vsem svetu. Sodelovanje v MOM krepi ugled in izboljšuje mednarodno podobo, položaj ter verodostojnost Republike Slovenije. Druga možnost za pomoč Slovenske vojske pri zagotavljanju zunanjepolitičnih interesov in ciljev je diplomacija, ki je orodje zunanje politike. S članstvom Slovenije v različnih mednarodnih organizacijah je predvsem pri največjih (OZN, Nato, EU, OVSE) država spoznala, da bo delo slovenskih predstavništev v teh organizacijah okrnjeno brez vojaških strokovnjakov in diplomatov, saj civilni strokovnjaki in diplomati ne morejo biti kos vsem izzivom, predvsem pa ne tistim, ki se tičejo vojaške stroke. V mednarodni skupnosti se na sodelovanje v MOM ne gleda več kot le na zagotavljanje varnosti in ugleda, temveč se pojavlja čedalje več možnosti za uresničevanje gospodarskih interesov države na območjih, kjer delujejo vojske posameznih držav v sklopu MOM. V zaključni nalogi smo preverili, kakšna je gospodarska izmenjava (izvoz-uvoz) z državami, s katerimi je Republika Slovenija skupaj s Slovensko vojsko v preteklosti sodelovala in še sodeluje v MOM.
Keywords:zunanjepolitični interesi in cilji, mednarodne operacije in misije (MOM), diplomacija, gospodarska izmenjava
Year of publishing:2018
Publisher:[A. Vidergar]
COBISS_ID:6143950 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Vidergar_Aleksander_i2018.pdf (1,33 MB)
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Abstract:Strategic national interests of the state are realized through the process of foreign policy. In pursuing its own foreign policy interests and goals, it is necessary to deal with the interests and goals of other countries, where the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) also play a role. Of course, we are not talking about a military force, but about how the Slovenian Armed Forces can help to promote the interests of the state in the international community. One of the options are international operations and missions (IOMs). The IOM are primarily about ensuring security outside of the country, which is even more important during present environment due to modern communications and, above all, migration around the world. Participation in the IOMs strengthens the reputation, improves the international image, position and credibility of the Republic of Slovenia. Another possibility for the Slovenian Armed Forces to participate in securing foreign policy interests and goals is diplomacy, which is a foreign policy tool. With the membership of Slovenia in various international organizations, especially with the largest (UN, NATO, EU, OSCE) the state became aware that the work of Slovenian representations in these organizations will be curtailed without military experts and diplomats, since civilian experts and diplomats cannot cope with all those challenges, which are related to the military profession. In the international community, participation in the IOMs is no longer seen only through security and reputation, but there are more and more opportunities for realizing the economic interests of the country in the areas where the armies of individual states operate within the framework of the IOMs. We will examine the economic exchange (export-import) with the countries where SAF had participated in the past and where the Republic of Slovenia still participates in the IOMs with the Slovenian Armed Forces.
Keywords:foreign policy interests and objectives, international operations and missions (IOM), diplomacy, economic exchange


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