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Title:Izkušnje Slovenske vojske iz evropske migrantske krize : zaključna naloga generalštabnega šolanja
Authors:Šepec, Igor (Author)
Brožič, Liliana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Naloga predstavlja pridobljene izkušnje Slovenske vojske v podpori državnim organom v migrantski krizi leta 2015. Cilj naloge je odgovoriti na vprašanje, povezano z ustreznostjo normativnih in zakonskih podlag za sodelovanje Slovenske vojske v migrantski krizi, in ugotoviti, kako dobro državni organi prepoznavajo in razumejo uporabo zmogljivosti Slovenske vojske za njihovo podporo. Odgovori na v začetku postavljeni hipotezi so oblikovani na osnovi proučevanja zgodovine migracij, globalnih vzrokov za nastanek migracij, poročil o obvladovanju migrantske krize v Republiki Sloveniji, proučevanja normativnih in zakonskih podlag za delovanje Slovenske vojske ter proučevanja %študije primera% sodelovanja Slovenske vojske v podpori državnim organom.
Keywords:evropska migrantska kriza 2015, migrant, begunec, Slovenska vojska, policija, civilna zaščita, izkušnje
Year of publishing:2018
Publisher:[I. Šepec]
COBISS_ID:6142670 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Sepec_Igor_i2018.pdf (1,62 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:This dissertation represents gained experiences of the Slovenian armed forces in a support of the state authorities in migrant crisis in 2015. Main goal of this paper is to answer on a question regarding to suitability of the normative and legal basis for joint action of the Slovenian armed forces in migrant crisis and to realise, wether the state authorities understand usage of capabilities of the Slovenian armed forces for their support and how good do they recognise it. The answers to initial hypothesis are designed on a basic of examination the history of migrations, global causes for the matter of migration, reports of managing migrant crisis in the Republic of Slovenia, inspection of the normative and legal basis for cooperation of the Slovenian armed forces and examination of the %case study% in cooperation Slovenian armed forces in the support of the state authorities.
Keywords:European migrant crisis 2015, migrant, refugee, Slovenian armed forces, police, civil protection, experience


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