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Title:Vloga Slovenske vojske pri zagotavljanju kibernetske varnosti slovenske družbe : zaključna naloga
Authors:Košir, Marko (Author)
Svete, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Kiberprostor1 je v nalogi predstavljen kot globalna družbeno-tehnološka domena vitalnega pomena za delovanje sodobne družbe, zato je skrb za učinkovito odzivanje na grožnje in sistematičen pristop k njegovi varnosti velik izziv tudi za Slovensko vojsko. Tako Nato kot Evropska unija (EU) sta v svojih strategijah opredelila izhodišča za ustrezno odzivanje držav članic. Predstavljene so pristojne mednarodne in slovenske področne institucije ter aktivnosti oboroženih sil ZDA, Nemčije in Avstrije kot primeri globalnega, regionalnega in lokalnega pristopa h kibernetski obrambi. Slovenija je na podlagi svoje Strategije kibernetske varnosti in Zakona o informacijski varnosti formalno uredila v nalogi opisane pogoje za ustrezno informacijsko varnost in odzivanje na kibernetske grožnje, kjer se nakazujejo možnosti za prispevek Slovenske vojske (SV) k splošni kibernetski varnosti slovenske družbe. S tem v zvezi so v nalogi nakazani možni pristopi k urejanju kibernetske obrambe v Slovenski vojski in s tem povezani izzivi kot del sestavin vojaške obrambe.
Keywords:kiberprostor, kibernetska varnost, kritična infrastruktura, kibernetska obramba, Slovenska vojska
Year of publishing:2018
Publisher:[M. Košir]
COBISS_ID:6133198 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kosir_Marko_i2018.pdf (1,90 MB)
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Abstract:Cyberspace is presented as a global socio-technological domain of vital importance to the functioning of modern society. As such, it poses a serious challenge to the Slovenian Armed Forces as well in regards to efficient reactions to various threats and a systematic approach to cybersecurity. NATO and the European Union (EU) have developed strategies that serve as starting point for appropriate response of member countries. We consider competent international and Slovenian Cyber security institutions as well recent activities in the U.S., German and Austrian militaries as examples of global, regional and local aproach in Cyber defense. In Slovenia, formal preconditions for proper information security and response to cyber threats are provided by the Cybersecurity Strategy and the recently passed Law on Information Security. Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) is viewed as one of the stakeholders contributing to general cybersecurity of the Slovenian society upon these foundations. Several possible approaches to Cyber defense and their respective challenges are additionaly discussed from the perspective of the Slovenian Armed Forces.
Keywords:cyberspace, cyber security, critical infrastructure, cyber defense, Slovenan Armed Forces


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