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Title:Transformacija skozi zgodovino globalnih konfliktov (ZDA skozi "GWOT") : zaključna naloga
Authors:Ločniškar, Gašper (Author)
Marković, Zvezdan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Transformacija je v vojaških organizacijah stalen proces. Glavni namen transformacije oboroženih sil je preoblikovanje in priprava vojaških organizacij na izzive, ki jih prinaša prihodnost. V miru se transformacijski procesi odvijajo s predvidljivim oziroma načrtovanim tempom, ki je odvisen od varnostne situacije, ekonomskega položaja in poslanstva oboroženih sil. V globalnem konfliktu, pa je situacija povsem drugačna. Uspešno delovanje v globalnem konfliktu zahteva, da se oborožene sile hitro in učinkovito transformirajo če želijo imeti možnost, da prevladajo v konfliktu. Najbolj pomembno vprašanje, ki se danes postavlja vsem modernim oboroženim silam je: Ali je sedanja smer razvoja in transformacije oboroženih sil primerna za konflikte, ki jih prinaša prihodnost? Da bi najbolje opisal problematiko transformacije oboroženih sil v času globalnega konflikta sem se odločil, da predstavim primer oboroženih sil ZDA in njihova delovanja v času globalne vojne proti terorizmu. Na podlagi lastne presoje sem predstavil in opisal tiste dejavnike, ki najbolje opisujejo zakaj in kako se je odvijala transformacija oboroženih sil ZDA v času globalnega konflikta, ki je povsem spremenil mišljenje o tem kakšni bodo prihodnji, asimetrični konflikti.
Keywords:transformacija, globalna vojna proti terorizmu, oborožene sile, omrežno bojevanje, napredne tehnologije
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[G. Ločniškar]
COBISS_ID:6035662 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Locniskar_Gasper_i2012.pdf (953,55 KB)
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Abstract:Transformation is constant process in military organizations. Main goal of transformation is to prepare military organizations for challenges in future. In peace transformation processes are going on with predictable and planned pace, which depends on security situation, economic situation and mission of the armed forces. During global conflict situation is totally different. If armed forces want to be successful during global conflict they have to be prepared to quickly and efficiently transform their %modus operandi% in order to prevail in conflict. Most important question for all modern armed forces today is: Is current direction of development and transformation of the armed forces suitable for conflicts which will happen in near future? To best describe the problems of transformation of the armed forces during global conflict, I decided to present the case of the U.S. armed forces and their struggles during the global war against terrorism. On a base of my own judgment I have presented and described factors that best describe why and how the transformation of U.S armed forces happened during global conflict, which has completely changed minds about what the future conflicts will look like.
Keywords:transformation, global war on terror, armed forces, network-centric warfare, advanced technologies


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