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Title:Zmožnosti priprav enote zračne obrambe za delovanje v mednarodnem okolju s sistemom IGLA-S : študija primera mednarodne vojaške vaje ŠTIT 2015
Authors:Vene, Srečko (Author)
Stankovič, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Za preučitev zmožnosti priprav enote zračne obrambe na mednarodno vojaško vajo je potreben vpogled v zmožnosti doseganja zahtevanih standardov tako na nivoju celotne udeležene enote, kot njenih podrejenih elementov. Taktična vaja z bojnim streljanjem v tujini spada med najzahtevnejše in najbolj kompleksne oblike uporabe enote zračne obrambe. Pravilno načrtovanje usposabljanj in priprava na vajo s sistemom, ki je novo uveden v operativno uporabo v Slovensko vojsko, od vsakega poveljnika in udeleženca zahteva dodatno angažiranje in poglabljanje znanj. Izzivi pri doseganju standardov usposobljenosti, katere terja izboljšan ali nadgrajen sistem, so toliko večji, v kolikor tudi za predhodni oborožitveni sistem postopki niso bili eksaktno definirani. Preučitev zahtev in sklopa priprav na taktično vajo z bojnim streljanjem v tujini je način, ki bi lahko pokazal na pomanjkljivosti. Naloga sledi prepoznavi skladnosti strokovne literature in možnih dodatnih potreb za dosego interoperabilnosti enote zračne obrambe v mednarodnem okolju.
Keywords:ŠTIT 2015, interoperabilnost, taktična vaja z bojnim streljanjem, navodila in standardi zračne obrambe
Year of publishing:2017
Publisher:[S. Vene]
COBISS_ID:6032846 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Vene_Srecko_i2017.pdf (418,52 KB)
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Abstract:In order to examine the capability of preparing the air defense unit to the international military exercise, an insight is needed in the ability to meet the required standards both at the level of the whole participating unit and its subordinate elements. A tactical exercise with combat shooting abroad is among the most demanding and most complex forms of using the air defense unit. Proper planning of training and preparation for exercises with a system, which is newly introduced for operational use in the Slovenian Armed Forces, requires additional engagement and deepening of knowledge from each commander and participant. The challenges in achieving the standards of competence required by an improved or upgraded system are even greater, insofar as the procedures for the previous armaments system were not precisely defined. The examination of requirements and a set of preparations for a tactical exercise with combat firing abroad is a way that could indicate weaknesses. The study follows the recognition of the compliance of professional literature and possible additional needs to achieve the interoperability of the air defense unit in the international environment.
Keywords:ŠTIT 2015, interoperability, tactical exercise with combat shooting, instructions and standards of the air defense unit


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