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TitleNačrtovanje kadrovskih resursov ob izgradnji bataljonske bojne skupine (BBSk) : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
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Authors:Trglec, Mitja (Author)
Kanduti, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Kraljič, Ivan (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:analiza kadrov, načrtovanje kadrov, kadrovski procesi, bataljonska bojna skupinaUDC:005.962:355.313(043.4)COBISS_ID:6032590Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6903 ogledov; 105 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Trglec_Mitja_i2017.pdf (671,97 KB)
Abstract:Naloga vojaške organizacije ne more biti izvedena brez potrebnega kadra. Uspeh ni odvisen samo od finančnih virov, napredne in dobre taktike, ampak tudi od kadrovskih resursov, ki so ključni za izvedbo nalog in dosego ciljev. Pravilno načrtovanje kadrovskih resursov omogoči dosego ciljev. Bataljonska bojna skupina (v nadaljevanju BBSk) zahteva določen specifičen kader z ustreznim znanjem, kompetencami in izkušnjami. Cikel BBSk je naravnan za obdobje 36 mesecev. V času izgradnje je potrebno, da je ustrezen kader v veliki večini že na voljo. Zato je pomembno že pred samo izgradnjo BBSk stanje kadrovskih resursov pravilno analizirati, načrtovati in poskrbeti, da je manjkajoč del kadrovskih resursov do izgradnje BBSk zagotovljen in pripravljen.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The task of the military organization cannot be implemented without the necessary staff. Success not only depends on financial resources, advanced technology, good tactics, but also on human resources which are key to complete tasks and achieve goals. Proper planning of human resources enables the achievement of the objectives. Battalion battle group (hereinafter BBSk) requires a certain specific personnel with the proper knowledge, competences and experiences. The cycle of the BBSk is set for a period of 36 months. During construction, it is necessary that the appropriate personnel is in the majority already available. It is therefore important already before the construction of the BBSk the state of human resources to properly analyse and plan, that the missing part of the human resources is going to be provided and prepared till the construction of the BBSk.Keywords:human resources analysis, personnel planning, human resource processes, battalion battle group