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Title:Vključevanje borilnih veščin v proces vojaškega izobraževanja in usposabljanja v Slovenski vojski : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Authors:Jost, Miha (Author)
Pečnik, Erih (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Od profesionalnega pripadnika Slovenske vojske se pričakuje njegova najvišja možna motiviranost in usposobljenost za izvedbo poslanstva oziroma zadane naloge. Znanje borilnih veščin pomembno vpliva na usposobljenost pripadnikov za izvajanje nalog tako v okviru zagotavljanja nacionalne varnosti kakor tudi pri izvajanju nalog na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah. V zadnjem obdobju je bil narejen velik korak na področju vključevanja borilnih veščin v proces vojaškega izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Zaradi kompleksnosti vadbe in širokega spektra potrebnih znanj je pomembno, da so vaditelji ustrezno strokovno usposobljeni iz tehnik in postopkov, iz katerih izvajajo usposabljanje. V nalogi ugotavljam ali trenutni potrjen tečaj za vaditelje borilnih veščin udeležencem tečaja nudi zadostno znanje za varno in strokovno izvajanje usposabljanja predpisanih postopkov in tehnik ter kdo pravzaprav je dovolj strokoven, da lahko izvaja vse oziroma določene predpisane postopke in tehnike borilnih veščin. V nadaljevanju predstavim lastno videnje trenutnega stanja in možne rešitve.
Keywords:borilne veščine, Slovenska vojska, vaditelj borilnih veščin, tečaj
Year of publishing:2017
Publisher:[M. Jost]
COBISS_ID:6027982 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Jost_Miha_i2017.pdf (509,54 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:A professional member of the Slovenian Armed Forces is expected to have his highest possible level of motivation, qualification and training to carry out the mission and the assigned tasks. Martial arts knowledge and skills have a significant impact on the competence of members to carry out their duties, both in the framework of ensuring national security as well as in carrying out tasks in international operations and missions. Recently, a major step has been taken towards the optimisation of martial arts techniques and procedures. Owing to the complexity of exercise and the wide range of skills required, it is important that trainers acquire an adequate level of knowledge and training in the techniques and procedures for which they conduct training. Aim of this paper is to determine whether the current approved course for martial arts trainers offers sufficient knowledge for the safe and professional conduct of training, and who actually has a sufficient level of competence to carry out all or certain prescribed martial arts procedures and techniques. Paper presents my own view of the current situation and solutions.
Keywords:martial arts, Slovenian Armed Forces, martial arts trainer, course


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