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Title:Alternativne oblike vadbe na improviziranih poligonih izboljšajo uspešnost delovanja enot in posameznika v SV : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Authors:Dimec, Bojana (Author)
Pečnik, Erih (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Zaključna naloga obravnava športno vadbo v Slovenski vojski. Skozi anketo, razdeljeno med sto naključnih pripadnikov, ter rezultate podobne ankete med pripadniki 10. pehotnega polka leta 2015, sem poskušala ugotoviti kolikšen vpliv ima vadba na vadeče. Zanimala me je predvsem kvaliteta izvedbe vodene vadbe, v odnosu pripadnikov do skupinskega izvajanja treningov in v razmerju z individualnim treniranjem. Podatki so me vodili v razmišljanje o dvigu motivacije pripadnikov in pripadnic do skupinske vadbe, čeprav podatki anket kažejo, da je nezaupanje v kolektivno izvajanje treningov nizko in odnos do tega splošno negativen. Večina ocenjuje, da bolj napredujejo, če trenirajo samostojno. Takšnemu stanju želimo predstaviti alternativo, spodbuditi nevadeče v šport in skupaj z individualisti v ekipno udejstvovanje. Rešitev vidimo v zanimivih, modernih, športno vojaških poligonih, ki smotrno delujejo na celotni človekov motorični aparat, hkrati pa smo dali velik poudarek na kvaliteto vodenja, na trenersko izobražen kader. Iz rezultatov ankete namreč opazimo veliko nezaupanje v izvajalce vadbe ter željo po dvigu kvalitete, znanja in strokovnosti.
Keywords:športna vadba, vodena vadba, trenerstvo, vojaški poligon
Year of publishing:2017
Publisher:[B. Dimec]
COBISS_ID:6026190 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Dimec_Bojana_i2017.pdf (1,42 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The final task deals with sports training in the Slovenian Armed Forces. Through a survey distributed among one hundred of random soldiers, and the results of a similar survey among soldiers of the 10th Infantry Regiment in 2015, we tried to determine the impact of exercising. We were mainly interested in the quality of the performance of guided exercise, in the relationship of the members to the group exercise and in relation to individual training. The data led us to think about raising the soldiers motivation of group exercise, although the survey data showed the lack of confidence in the collective trainings is low and the attitude towards it is generally negative. Most people think that they are making more progress if they train by their selves. We want to present the alternative, to encourage non-participations in sport and together with the individuals in team engagement. We see the solution in interesting, modern, sports-based military polygons, which rationally work on the entire body, while at the same time we put a lot of emphasis on the quality of leadership, on the trainer-educated personnel. From the results of the survey there is a lot of mistrust in the conducting commanders and the desire to raise quality, knowledge and professionalism of those in charge of training.
Keywords:sports training, guided exercise, coaching, military training


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