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Title:Prisotnost nedovoljenih drog v Slovenski vojski : primerjalna analiza med naborniškim in profesionalnim sistemom
Authors:Tomše, Igor (Author)
Galeša, Nikolaj (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Slovenska vojska ni imuna na pojav uživanja prepovedanih drog, vprašanje je samo, v kolikšnem obsegu so le-te prisotne med njenimi pripadniki in ali lahko v prihodnosti računamo na zajezitev pojava ali pa utegne priti celo do eksponentne rasti števila uživalcev. Raziskava, ki je zajela vse pripadnike Slovenske vojske, je bila opravljena na osnovi zbranih podatkov o dogodkih v zvezi z mamili v Slovenski vojski, v okviru katerih so zbrani tudi podatki o številu udeležencev v teh dogodkih za obdobje od 1. 1. 1997 do 31. 12. 2001. V tem času govorimo o naborniškem sistemu organiziranja Slovenske vojske. Ti podatki so bili nato obdelani s statističnimi metodami. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da obstaja linearni trend rasti števila dogodkov, povezanih z mamili, v odvisnosti od tega pa tudi števila udeležencev v teh dogodkih, iz česar se da sklepati, da se bo tudi v prihodnosti število uživalcev nedovoljenih drog med pripadniki Slovenske vojske povečevalo. Za dokaz te trditve bi bilo potrebno na enak način obdelati podatke za naslednje petletno obdobje od 1. 1. 2007 do 31. 12. 2011. V tem času govorimo o profesionalnem sistemu organiziranja Slovenske vojske. Dobljene podatke za obe obdobji bi se nato medsebojno primerjalo.
Keywords:nedovoljene (prepovedane, ilegalne) droge, Slovenska vojska
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[I. Tomše]
COBISS_ID:5971662 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Tomse_Igor_i2012.pdf (363,56 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Principles of war and their utilization in stabilization operation
Abstract:Slovenian Armed Forces is not immune against illegal drugs usage, the question is in what extent this phenomenon appears among its membersand whether we can count on barrage of this phenomenon or even exponent growth of users number. The research, that has included every member of Slovenian Armed Forces, has been carried out on the base of gathered information about events in connection with narcotics in Slovenian army, as well as the number of participans in these events from 1. 1. 1997 to 31. 12. 2001. At that period we were talking about recruits system of Slovenian Armed Forces organization. These data have been afterwards processed with statistical methods. Results of the research have shown the linear growth of numbers of events connected with narcotics and interdependently the number of participans in these events. This indicates that the number of illegal drugs usage among the members of Slovenian Armed Forces will increase. Demonstrate of this statement should be procesing of statistical data in the same method for periode from 1. 1. 2007 do 31. 12. 2011 Now we are talking about professional system of Slovenian Armed Forces organization. Receiving data for both period then should be compared with each other.
Keywords:illegal drugs, Slovenian Armed Forces


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