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Title:Psihološka služba kot pomoč poveljniku pri vodenju enote : tudija primera
Authors:Kraljič, Ivan (Author)
Jazbec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:V nalogi je predstavljen primer mladega častnika, ki pride v delno izgrajeno enoto kjer se sooči s zahtevami nadrejenega kakor tudi z pričakovanji podrejenih. Pri svojem delu v enoti je vse preveč upošteval nekatera teoretična znanja pridobljena v času šolanja na šoli za častnike, ki so opredeljevala vodenje in voditeljstvo. Ker se je v veliki meri naslanjal na teorijo in na nek način v ozadje postavljal medsebojne odnose, so se v enoti pričeli problemi. Častnik je bil odrezan s strani podrejenih od svoje enote in tako smo dobili enoto z poveljniki oddelka na eni strani brega ter poveljnika voda na drugi strani. Ker takšno stanje ni peljalo nikamor je bilo potrebno najti neko rešitev. To rešitev je ta častnik videl v psihologu, ki je bi del enote v kateri je delal. Psiholog je s svojimi metodami dela izmeril organizacijsko klimo ter se pogovoril s vsemi stranmi. Častnik in psiholog sta prišla do določenih zaključkov kako naprej in se dogovorila o ponovnem merjenju organizacijske klime. Po preteku določenega časa se je pokazalo, da se je častnik odločil prav, da je pomoč poiskal v psihologu in tako bistveno izboljšal delo svoje enote. Postali so tim.
Keywords:vodenje, voditeljstvo, psiholog, vojaški tim
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[I. Kraljič]
COBISS_ID:5971150 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kraljic_Ivan_i2012.pdf (235,38 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Thesis presents a case of a young officer who came to partially constructed unit where he was faced with superior%s demands on one hand and expectations of subordinates on the other hand. During his work in the unit he strictly followed theoretical knowledge about leadership which he obtained during officers candidate school. Because his work depended on theory, he forgot about interpersonal relations and problems within unit started soon. Consequence of these problems was that officer wasn%t really part of the unit. Platoon leader and squad leaders of the platoon were sitting on different banks of the river. Because this situation wasn%t good for anyone a solution had to be found. Officer wanted to solve this situation with psychologist, who was part of a unit where platoon leader worked. With his methods psychologists measured organizational climate and talked with all individuals who were involved in this problem. Officer and psychologist came to the conclusions about how to solve the problem and decided to measure organizational climate once again. After a certain time, decision to work with psychologist proved right and it improved situation within unit. This unit became a team.
Keywords:management, leadership, psychologist, military team


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