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Title:Socialni kapital v vojaški organizaciji : zaključna naloga
Authors:Lakota, Albert (Author)
Anželj, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Bernik, Valerija (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Socialni kapital pomeni relacije med ljudmi, na katere se posameznik ali organizacija lahko zanese z namenom izboljšanja svojega položaja. Na oblikovanje koncepta socialnega kapitala so pomembno vplivali sociolog Pierre Bourdieu, ekonomist James Coleman ter politolog Robert Putnam. Osnovna definicija opredeljuje socialni kapital kot agregat dejanskih in potencialnih resursov, ki so povezani s posedovanjem trajnih omrežij, bolj ali manj institucionaliziranih odnosov vzajemnega poznanstva in prepoznavanje ali s članstvom v skupini nudi članom podporo. Tako je socialni kapital pomemben tudi za vojaško organizacijo. Med pripadniki se socialne vezi razvijajo zaradi osebnih in širših kolektivnih koristi. Moč oziroma velikost socialnega kapitala merimo s številom povezav med pripadniki vojaške organizacije ter z močjo teh povezav. Posamezniki, ki imajo tesne in številne socialne povezave v svojem delovnem okolju običajno dosegajo večjo delovno uspešnost. Kadar vojaška organizacija vključuje več posameznikov z visoko stopnjo socialnega kapitala, je tudi njena učinkovitost večja.
Keywords:socialni kapital, vojaška organizacija, profesija (poklic), profesionalizem
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[A. Lakota]
COBISS_ID:6240206 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Lakota_Albert_i2013.pdf (648,06 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Social capital in the military organisation
Abstract:Social capital refers to the relationships among the people, to which the individual or organization can rely with a view to improving their situation. On the design of the concept of social capital have come to fruition the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, economist James Coleman, and political scientist Robert Putnam. The basic definition defines social capital as the aggregate of the actual or potential resources which are linked to possession of permanent networks, more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintances and identification or membership in a group provides members support. Is also an important social capital as well as for a military organization. Among the members of the social ties can develop due to personal and wider collective benefits. The power or the size of the social capital is measured by the number of links between members of military organizations and with the strength of these connections. Individuals, who have a close and many social connections in its working environment, typically achieve higher job performance. When the military organization includes several individuals with high levels of social capital is also its effectiveness.
Keywords:social capital, military organization, profession, professionalism


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