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Title:Transformacija Slovenske vojske - poveljevanje in kontrola v vojaški policiji SV : zaključna naloga
Authors:Tomažič, Vlado (Author)
Sirk, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Potočnik, Gregor (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vsak vojaški poveljnik stremi k temu, da bo njegova enota učinkovita in sposobna izvajati svoje poslanstvo in naloge. Da bi dosegel ta cilj ima na voljo kar nekaj inštrumentov, med katere sodita tudi poveljevanje in kontrola, ki skupaj tvorita sistem poveljevanja in kontrole. Pa vendar bo le učinkovit sistem poveljevanja in kontrole poveljniku omogočal optimalno izkoriščanje dodeljenih virov ter pravočasno in pravilno odločanje pri vodenju enote. Poveljniki enot vojaške policije pri tem niso nobena izjema, saj si tudi sami želijo, da bi bil sistem poveljevanja in kontrole v vojaški policiji, tudi po zaključku transformacijskih aktivnosti organiziran na način, da bo vojaški policiji omogočal uresničitev poslanstva, ohranjal sposobnost hitrega in učinkovitega delovanja v izrednih situacijah, predvsem pa omogočal strokovno in zakonito izvajanje zakonsko opredeljenih nalog vojaške policije.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, vojaška policija, poveljevanje in kontrola, strokovnost in zakonitost, Slovenian Armed Forces, military police, command and control, professional competence and lawfulness
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[V. Tomažič]
COBISS_ID:5965006 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Tomazic_Vlado_i2013.pdf (2,44 MB)
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Title:Transformation of the Slovenian Armed Forces - Slovenian military police command and control
Abstract:All military commanders strive for their unit being effective and able to carry out their missions and tasks. To reach this goal they have several tools at their disposal, among them being command and control, which together form the command and control system. Nevertheless, only an effective command and control system will allow commanders to fully exploit the assigned resources and make right and timely decisions when commanding a unit. In this respect, commanders of military police units are no exception. They all hope that also after transformation, the military police command and control system is organised in a way to enable the military police to accomplish its mission, to ensure quick and efficient action in unexpected situations, and mainly to ensure a professional and lawful execution of military police tasks.


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