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Title:Transformacija obveščevalne dejavnosti : umestitev geoprostorske dejavnosti v SV
Authors:Brodnik, Urška (Author)
Horvat, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Florjanc, Aleš (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Geoprostorska podpora obrambnemu sistemu je dejavnost, ki v Ministrstvu za obrambo Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju MO RS) nima svoje organizacijske enote. Uslužbenci MO RS, ki opravljajo delo, ki se nanaša na geoprostorske zadeve, delujejo v različnih organizacijskih enotah. Usklajevanje dela in nalog za doseganje zadovoljive geoprostorske podpore uporabnikom je zato velik izziv. V nalogi sem proučila, kakšne so možnosti za spremembe organiziranosti in delovanja geoprostorske podpore v Slovenski vojski oz. MO RS v luči aktualne transformacije Slovenske vojske ter na tej podlagi predlagam rešitev za doseganje večje učinkovitosti geoprostorske podpore SV.
Keywords:geografija, vojaška geografija, geoprostorska podpora, geoprostorska obveščevalna dejavnost, kartografija, kartografski sistem, geoprostorski sistem, geoinformacijska podpora, GIS
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[U. Brodnik]
COBISS_ID:5957326 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Brodnik_Urska_i2013.pdf (9,08 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Geospatial support to a defense system is an activity, which does not have its own organizational unit within the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter MOD). MOD officials, who carry out the work relating to geospatial matters, operate in different organizational units. Balancing the work and the tasks to achieve a satisfactory geospatial user support is therefore a great challenge. In this work I explore the possibilities of changes to the structure and functioning of geospatial support in the Slovenian Armed Forces and MOD in the light of the current transformation of the Slovenian Armed Forces. On this basis I propose a solution in order to achieve a greater efficiency of geospatial support of SAF.
Keywords:geography, military geography, geospatial support, geospatial intelligence, cartography, cartographic system, geospatial system, geoinformation support, GIS


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