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Title:Vloga skupin za povezovanje in mentoriranje v stabilizacijskem delovanju : študija primera v občinah Vučitrn/Vushtrri in Srbica/Skenderaj
Authors:Matovič, Srečko (Author)
Vegič, Vinko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Kosovo, rodovitno in z rudami bogato območje v osrčju Balkana, kjer so se skozi zgodovino prelivale reke krvi, kjer so nekdanji mučeniki postali mučitelji in kjer se v 21. stoletju še vedno prepletajo svetovni interesi in politike velesil. V zaključni nalogi so obravnavane razmere in stanje v dveh občinah na skrajnem severnem delu, Vushtrii/Vučitrn in Srbica/Skenderaj, kjer je skoraj vso prebivalstvo albanske narodnosti, ki naseljuje območje južno od reke Ibar. Reka Ibar namreč naravno razmejuje prebivalstvo srbske narodnosti, ki so na severnem bregu in višje, vse do Srbije, ujeti v času in prostoru ter razpeti, med politikami Republike Srbije, ki je 28. februarja 2012 dobila status kandidatke za članstvo v Evropski uniji in po drugi strani od odločitev kosovskega parlamenta iz Prištine. Ob omembi mednarodnih sil KFOR, ki so na tem območju že vse od poletja 1999, se seveda ne moremo izogniti prispevka pripadnic in pripadnikov 24 kontingentov Slovenske vojske (konec februarja 2012) in predvsem skupin za povezovanje in mentoriranje v stabilizacijskem delovanju, t.i. %Liaison Monitoring Team% - LMT, ki so %oči in ušesa% ter neposredna povezava s poveljnikom sil KFOR. Tudi tu veje iz naloge zahvala slovenskim skupinam LMT, ki so odlična vez na terenu.
Keywords:Kosovo, mirovne operacije in misije, Slovenska vojska, sile KFOR, skupina za povezovanje in mentoriranje, zamrznjeni konflikt
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[S. Matovič]
COBISS_ID:5950670 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Matovic_Srecko_i2011.pdf (577,18 KB)
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Abstract:Kosovo is a territory in the heart of Balkans, fertile and rich with minerals where in the history plenty of blood has been spilled, where former martyrs have become torturers and where in the 21st century there is still a clash of world interests and superpower politics. In this dissertation the situation and conditions in two municipalities in the north, Vushtrii/Vucitrn and Srbica/Skenderaj, populated mainly with the Albanian ethnic population, living on the southern river bank of the river Ibar are presented. River Ibar is namely a natural border with the Serbian ethnic population living on the northern river bank all the way to the territory of the Republic of Serbia, They are caught in the present time and space and divided between the politics of the Republic of Serbia that has been granted candidate status for EU membership 28 February, 2012 and on the other side the decisions adopted by the Parliament in Pristina/Prishtine. Mentioning the international forces KFOR, which have been presented on the territory of Kosovo since the summer 1999, one can not avoid mentioning the contribution of all members of Slovenian Armed Forces who actively participated in SVNCON KFOR 24 contingents (as of today, end of February 2012), and especially those who were involved in the KFOR Liaison Monitoring Teams % (LMT) during this stabilisation operation. LMTs present %the eyes and ears% of COMKFOR and his connection with the population of Kosovo. We have to thank the Slovenian LMTs which represent an excellent link on the ground and this is what this dissertation will discuss.
Keywords:Kosovo, peace operations and missions, Slovenian Armed Forces, KFOR, liaison monitoring team (LMT), frozen conflict


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