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Title:Usklajevanje podpornega delovanja taktičnih enot Slovenske vojske z elementi sistema zaščite in reševanja : zaključna naloga
Authors:Blatnik, Tanja (Author)
Ščavničar, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Naravne in druge nesreče ogrožajo socialno, fizično in ekonomsko varnost prebivalcev, zato predstavlja varstvo pred nesrečami enega od strateških nacionalnih interesov. Prav to je razlog, da se pri upravljanju z nesrečami mora upoštevati celotno obravnavanje nesreč v smislu njihovega obvladovanja, ki predstavlja sistematičen pristop, redno in učinkovito sodelovanje med različnimi sistemi. Pomembno je prepoznati vzroke nastanka nesreč, saj obvladovanje tveganj v veliki meri vliva na izbor načina obvladovanja. V podpornem delovanju je pomemben dejavnik tudi Slovenska vojska, ki je po zakonu dolžna sodelovati pri odpravljanju posledic ob naravnih in drugih nesrečah, saj s svojo prisotnostjo na ogroženem območju in v sodelovanju z ostalimi subjekti pripomore pri saniranju posledic. Slovenska vojska lahko hitro in učinkovito ukrepa ter uporabi svoja razpoložljiva sredstva z hitro in učinkovito koordinacijo in tesnim sodelovanjem z elementi strukture zaščite in reševanja.
Keywords:naravne in druge nesreče, Slovenska vojska, sistem zaščite, reševanja in pomoči, podporno delovanje
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[T. Blatnik]
COBISS_ID:5947086 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Blatnik_Tanja_i2012.pdf (435,96 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Coordination of support from the tactical unit level of Slovenian Armed Forces with the elements of disaster relief system
Abstract:Natural and other disasters are endangering the social, physical and economical security of the population. Therefore the disaster relief system is one of the strategic national interests. This is the key reason, why in disaster relief we must focus on the disaster in the sense of control. We must use the systematic approach along with cooperation between the different sub systems. It is important to identify the ground reasons for the disaster in order to use the correrc approach in futire assesments and risk managements. In these support efforts, Slovenian armed forces can greatly contribute. The armed forces are obliged by law to intervene and render assistance in disaster relief along with other government agencies involved in the process. Slovenian Armed forces can act quickly and efficiently, utilizing the resources it has at hand.
Keywords:natural and other disasters, Slovenian Armed Forces, system of protection and rescure, forces support


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