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Title:Pomen obvladovanja socialnih veščin pri razvoju častnika : zaključna naloga
Authors:Romih, Zoran (Author)
Okovič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Ogrinc, Venčeslav (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vsak človek je središče vsega, pa kljub temu ne moremo eden brez drugega. Sočlovek je bistven za naš obstoj in naše vedenje; z drugimi smo povezani s svojo odgovornostjo. Človekova odgovornost ni le odgovornost za samega sebe, temveč hkrati odgovornost za vse ljudi. Svoboda, ki jo prinaša individualizem, torej ni dovolj, da se odrečemo bistvu tega, kar sestavlja človeško življenje - to je socialnost, saj smo socialna bitja. Vsak odnos do stvari, vsako stališče je svobodna odločitev. Zato je bivanje odgovorno in to nenehoma, zakaj odločati se je treba zmerom znova v vsaki situaciji, nobena odločitev ni dokončna (Sartre, 1975: 380). Človeški dejavnik je še vedno ključni element pri doseganju uspeha vojaških organizacij. Uspešno vodenje vojaških enot si tako v miru kot v vojni ne moremo predstavljati brez vojaških vodij. Vojaškega vodjo opredeljujejo elementi, ki predstavljajo tako imenovani okvir vodenja. Zajemajo znanje, lastnosti in dejanja vojaških vodij. Vsak vodja mora posedovati in uporabljati tri vrste znanj in veščin: tehnična ali strokovna znanja, konceptualna ali organizacijska znanja in znanja o medčloveških odnosih, ki se razlikujejo po ravneh vodenja (direktna, organizacijska in strateška). Socialne veščine oziroma spretnosti kot del koncepta vodenja temeljijo na sistemu stališč, interesov, vrednot in socialnih norm, ki posamezniku omogočajo, da razume samega sebe in svoje okolje ter se na podlagi tega odzove na dogajanje s strategijo v skladu s cilji, ki jih ima v danem trenutku.
Keywords:voditelj, vodenje, socialne veščine, ravni voditeljstva
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[Z. Romih]
COBISS_ID:5946574 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Romih_Zoran_i2012.pdf (779,43 KB)
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Abstract:Every man world is the center of everything and each faces the other fellow man. For others it is essential to our existence and our behaviour, to stay connected with others of their responsibilities. Man's responsibility is not only being responsible for him, but also showing responsibility to all other people. Freedom brought by individualism, is not enough to give up the essence of what constitutes human life; it is sociality, because we are social beings. Any relationship to things, each single aspect has it's own free choice. Therefore, stay accountable and it constantly, why the decision has to be relatively new in every situation, no decision has become final (Sartre, 1975: 380). The human factor is, therefore, still a key element in achieving the success of military organizations. Successful conduct of military formations is both in peace as in war, the perception of military leaders. Military leader is defined by the elements constituting these governance frameworks. Include knowledge, attributes and actions of military leaders. Each leader must possess and use three types of knowledge and skills: technical or professional skills, conceptual organizational skills and knowledge of human relations, which differ in the levels of management (direct, organizational and strategic). Social skills and skills as part of the concept of leadership based on a system of views, interests, values and social norms that enable the individual to understand himself and his environment, and on this basis to respond to events within the strategy in line with the objectives of the situation.
Keywords:leader, leadership, social skills, levels of leadership


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