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Title:Karierni model pripadnikov VOPVD : zaključna naloga
Authors:Ban, Mitja (Author)
Škerlak, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Prehojena pot in razvoj Slovenske vojske (v nadaljevanju SV), od nastanka do danes, je zaznamovana s stalnim spreminjanjem in prilagajanjem obstoječim razmeram v varnostnem okolju in spremembam v odnosu vojska % družba. SV je v letu 2012 dosegla zaključno fazo transformacije iz obvezniške v poklicno vojaško organizacijo. Načrtovalci odgovorni za razvoj SV, so za cilj postavili oblikovanje številčno manjše, prožne in sodobno opremljene enote. Enote bodo popolnjene z visoko usposobljenimi, motiviranimi pripadniki opremljeni s sodobno oborožitvijo in opremo. Eden od dolgoročnih ciljev SV je s pospešenim procesom funkcionalne profesionalizacije transformirati se v visoko profesionalno in učinkovito vojaško organizacijo, sposobno skupnega delovanja v večnacionalnem vojaškem okviru, skladno s sodobnimi koncepti in doktrinami, ter v razumnem obsegu ohranjati sposobnost za učinkovito izvajanje nalog. Eden od ključnih faktorjev za dosego vsega navedenega so pripadniki SV. Pripadniki SV, ki delujejo v strukturah vojaške obveščevalne, protiobveščevalne in varnostne dejavnosti (v nadaljevanju VOPVD), so del teh pričakovanj in zahtev. Ustrezna kadrovska postavitev in predvsem opredelitev zahtevanih kriterijev znanj in kompetenc za pripadnike VOPVD ter opredelitev kariernih modelov, so eden od temeljev razvijanja učinkovite obveščevalno, protiobveščevalne in štabno varnostne podpore procesom vojaškega odločanja v SV.
Keywords:vojaške obveščevalne, protiobveščevalne in varnostne dejavnosti, karierni model, kompetence, Slovenska vojska
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[M. Ban]
COBISS_ID:5526734 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Ban_Mitja_i2013.pdf (512,03 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The path and development of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF), from conception to today, is characterized by constantly changing and adapting to existing conditions in the security environment and changes in attitudes Army - society. SAF in year 2012 reached the final stage of transformation from conscription to professional military organization. Planners are responsible for developing numerically smaller, flexible and modern SAF. The units will be manned by highly qualified, motivated personnel equipped with modern weapons and equipment. One of the long-term goals of the SAF, is transformation into a highly professional and efficient military organization capable of collective action in multinational military environment. Among all the others, one of the key factors to achieve all above is personnel of the SAF. Manpower operating in structures of military intelligence, counterintelligence and security are part of these expectations and requirements. Adequate staffing placement and primarily, define the criteria of required knowledge and skills for the members in military intelligence, counterintelligence and security structures and definition of their career models, are cornerstone of the development an effective intelligence, counterintelligence and security support to the military decision-making process in the SAF.
Keywords:military intelligence, counterintelligence and security structures, career model, competences, Slovenian Armed Forces


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