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Title:Polk za oskrbovanje : zaključna naloga
Authors:Saje, Peter (Author)
Bosotina, Valter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:SV si je s procesom transformacije zadala tudi nalogo centralizirati logistiko SV v logistični brigadi (LOGBR), katera bo imela v svoji formaciji logistične polke, ki za SV predstavljajo nove enote v njeni strukturi. Do pričetka transformacije je bila SV organizirana na podlagi brigadnega in bataljonskega principa, ko govorimo o taktični ravni. Polk za oskrbovanje (POSK), kot sestavni del LOGBR, bo moral s svojo formacijo zagotavljati neprekinjeno logistično oskrbo enot SV doma in v operacijah kriznega odzivanja ter mednarodnih operacijah in misijah (OKO/MOM), kar zahteva celostni pristop pri načrtovanju in izvajanju oskrbovanja. V zaključni nalogi bomo prikazali celovitejši pogled na nov logistični pristop v SV, s poudarkom na POSK.
Keywords:polk za oskrbovanje, transformacija, logistika, centralizacija
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[P. Saje]
COBISS_ID:5519310 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Saje_Peter_i2013.pdf (1,40 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:SAF has, with the transformation process, set a task to centralize logistics of SAF into a logistic brigade. It will have logistic regiments in its formation. This introduces new military units in the structure of SAF. Until the start of transformation, the SAF was organised on the basis of brigade and battalion principle, when speaking about the tactical level. The supply regiment as part of logistic brigade will have to provide continuous logistic supply to forces of SAF both at home and in crisis response operations as well as international operations and missions. This requires an integrated approach to the planning and implementation of supplying. The final thesis will be presented holistic view the new logistics approach in SAF, with an emphasis on the supply regiment.
Keywords:supply regiment, transformation, logistics, centralization


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