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Title:Organizacija in delovanje parka bojnih vojaških vozil SV : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kocijan, Branislav (Author)
Cebek, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Ivanuša, Marijan (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vpliv svetovne krize, v zadnjih nekaj letih, se odraža tudi na delovanje oborožitvenih sil v vseh državah euro-atlantskih povezav. Skladno s tem so se odprli novi projekti v okviru mehanizmov pametne obrambe Nato (ang. Smart Defence). Med temi projekti je tudi EU projekt združevanja in souporabe zmogljivosti (ang. Pooling & Sharing - P&S), katerih namen ni le stroškovno učinkovita nabava, temveč tudi racionalizacija porabe sredstev in prilagajanjenovim izzivom. V republiki Sloveniji se vpliv recesije odraža z zmanjševanjem proračunskih sredstev v javnem sektorju in posledično radikalnega zmanjšanja deleža bruto domačega proizvoda (BDP) namenjenega za obrambo, kar pomeni, da se je razvoj in opremljanje slovenske vojske bistveno upočasnilo. Po enakih izhodiščih kot Nato, slovenska vojska razmišlja o uvedbi projekta združevanja in souporabe zmogljivosti, kateri bi lahko nadomestil premajhen obseg nekatere ključne opreme in oborožitvenih sistemov. Glavni namen je izgradnja in uporaba novih zmogljivosti v pogojih omejenih finančnih virov. Z združevanjem in souporabo so tesno povezane tudi spremembe v sistemu upravljanja parkov vozil, vzdrževanja sredstev in modularnim pristopom pri oblikovanju zmogljivosti.
Keywords:park bojnih vojaških vozil, združevanje, souporaba, pametna obramba
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[B. Kocijan]
COBISS_ID:5230030 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kocijan_Branislav_i2013.pdf (1,10 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The impact of the global crisis, in the last few years is also reflected in the action of forces in all euro area countries-Atlantic structures. Accordingly, opened new projects within the mechanisms of smart defense NATO. Among these projects is the project of the EU pooling and sharing capabilities(P&S), whose purpose is not only cost-effective purchasing, but also rationalize the use of resources and adapt to new challenges. In the Republic of Slovenia, the impact of the recession reflects the budget cuts in the public sector and consequent radical decrease in the share of GDP devoted to defense, which means that the development and equipping of the Slovenian Army significantly slowed. At the same positions as NATO, the Slovenian Army is considering introducing project pooling and sharing capabilities, which could replace the low level of some key equipment and weapon systems. The mainpurpose of the construction and operation of new facilities in terms of limited financial resources. By pooling and sharing are closely related to changes in the management, maintenance of fleet assets and modular approach to the design capacity.
Keywords:motor-pool of combat vehicles, pooling, sharing, clever defense


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