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Title:Sistem zaščite in reševanja v Republiki Sloveniji : sodelovanje Slovenske vojske
Authors:Balantič, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Murko, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Med 4. in 6. novembrom 2012 so Slovenijo doletele obsežne padavine in posledične poplave, ki so prizadele predvsem severozahodni in severovzhodni del države. Najbolj prizadeta so bila porečja Drave, Soče, Savinje in Meže. Pri odpravljanju posledic poplav so bile aktivirane tudi enote Slovenske vojske. Ta se je dejavno vključila v odpravo posledic poplav 4. 11. 2012 in sodelovala vse do 15. 11. 2012. Pripadniki in pripadnice slovenske vojske so sodelovali z ostalimi reševalci in si prizadevali hitro in učinkovito pomagati ljudem ter odpraviti posledice poplav. Hitra pomoč vojakov je imela zelo velik psihološki učinek, ljudje so spoznali, da v nesreči niso ostali sami.
Keywords:poplave 2012, Slovenska vojska, civilna zaščita
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[B. Balantič]
COBISS_ID:512311350 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf Borut_Balantic_2013.pdf (1,40 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Between 4th and 6th November 2012 extensive rainfall and subsequently flooding affected Slovenia. The most affected were northwest and northeast of the country, namely the Drava, Soča, Savinja and Meža basins. Units of Slovenian armed forces participated in the actions to tackle the consequences of the floods. They joined the actions on 4th November and actively participated until 15th November 2012. The members of Slovenian armed forces cooperated with other rescuers and strived to quickly and effectively help people and to tackle the consequences of the floods. Quick actions of soldiers had great psychological effect on the people for they realized that they were not left alone in their misfortune.
Keywords:floods 2012, Slovenian armed forces, civil protection


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