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Title:Razvoj, analiza in primerjava variant delovanja - vloga štabnega podčastnika v sektorju S-3 : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Pelaj, Avdulla (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Pajk, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Navodilo za štabno delo je akt, ki predpisuje postopek izvedbe vseh korakov procesa načrtovanja delovanj v Slovenski vojski, naloge posameznih funkcijskihpodročij v štabih in poveljstvih. Razvoj koncepta je v procesu načrtovanja delovanj najpomembnejši korak, ki se v svoji končni obliki izraža v primernosti odločitve poveljnika. Pomembnejšo vlogo v tem procesu odigra štabni podčastnik v sektorju S-3, ki s svojim večletnim delom, širokim spektrom znanja in izkušnjami pripomore k pravilni odločitvi. Z diplomskim delom sem podal širši pogled na strukturo taktične ravni poveljstva pehotnega polka, ki je po transformaciji Slovenske vojske novejša oblika enote, predstavil korake, ki zajemajo proces načrtovanja delovanj, podrobneje opisal 3. korak - razvoj koncept, in skozi primerjavo procesa načrtovanja delovanj invloge štabnega podčastnika S-3 med Slovensko vojsko in oboroženimi silami ZDA predstavil podobnosti in pomanjkljivosti ter podal nekaj možnih rešitev, ki bi lahko bile osnova za bodoče delo štabnih podčastnikov v SV.
Keywords:proces načrtovanja delovanj, funkcijsko področje, poveljnik, štab, poveljstvo, podčastnik, odločitev
Year of publishing:2014
Publisher:[I. Pajk]
COBISS_ID:5161166 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf DIPLOMSKO_DELO-_Igor_Pajk.pdf (1,37 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Course of action development, analisis, comparison - role of staff non-commissioned officer in S-3
Abstract:Staff organization and regulations is an act which prescribes the implementation of all steps of the military decision making process and the tasks of headquarters staff functional areas in the Slovenian Armed Forces. Development of the concept is major step in the military decision making process and in its final form expresses the suitability of the decision of thecommander. Important role in this process plays staff non- commissioned officer in the S-3, with his multiannual work, a wide spectrum of knowledge and experience, which is helpful for commanderʼs correct decision. By writing the diploma I made a broader view of the structure of the tactical level of command Infantry Regiment, newer form of the unit after transformation of the Slovenian Armed Forces, presented the steps that comprise the process of operational planning, detailed description of 3rd step - development of the concept and a comparison of the design process and the role of Headquarters operations NCO S-3 of the Slovenian Armed Forces and the U.S. Armed Forces, presented the similarities and drawbacks, and gave some possible solutions that could form the basis for SAF NCO future work.
Keywords:military decision making process, functional area, commander, non-commissioned officer, headquarters, decisions


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