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Title:Diverzantsko bojevanje na Slovenskem med 2. svetovno vojno : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Kovačič, Kristjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:6. aprila 1941 je nemški okupator s svojimi zavezniki napadel Jugoslavijo in vnekaj dneh zlomil odpor kraljeve vojske. 11. aprila ob 17.30 uri je italijanski okupator že vkorakal v Ljubljano. Kmalu po razkosanju Slovenije seje pod vodstvom Komunistične partije Slovenije (KPS) začela organizirana akcija zbiranja orožja, streliva, intendantske opreme in začele so se pripravena vstajo. Skupaj z levo usmerjenimi političnimi skupinami so 26. aprila ustanovili Protiimperialistično fronto slovenskega naroda, ki se je ob nemškem napadu na Sovjetsko zvezo preimenovala v Osvobodilno fronto Slovenskega naroda (OF). Pozneje so se v OF vključile številne politično različno usmerjene skupine. Vse je združevala želja po svobodi, ki so jo lahkodosegli le z oboroženim uporom. KPS je 22. junija 1941 ustanovila glavno poveljstvo slovenskih partizanskih čet, ki je bilo odgovorno vodstvu OF. Sredijulija je bil sprejet sklep o oboroženi vstaji, poleg tega pa tudi Partizanski zakon, ki je s svojimi pravili urejal sestavo, dela in naloge partizanskih čet. Začeli so z izvajanjem diverzantskih akcij, sabotaž in s širjenjem propagande. Razstreljevali so električne daljnovode, minirali mostove, ceste, železnice, zažigali okupatorjeva vozila in napadali okupatorjeve patrulje. Kmalu so akcije postajale vse bolj drzne, tako so se septembra začeli pravi spopadi z okupatorjem. Uporniško gibanje na Slovenskem se je v času 2. svetovne vojne z leti vedno bolj razvijalo, kljub sovražnikovim ofenzivam, da bi zatrli gibanje in uničili partizanstvo. Diverzantsko delovanje je postajalo vedno bolj pomembno in je bilo ključnega pomena pri osvoboditvi slovenskega ozemlja in zmagi zaveznikov v 2. svetovni vojni.
Keywords:diverzantsko delovanje, diverzantske akcije, Osvobodilna fronta, Komunistična partija Slovenije, upor
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[K. Kovačič]
COBISS_ID:5006798 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf Kovacic_Kristjan_2013.pdf (2,31 MB)
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Abstract:On 6 April 1941, the German invader, together with his allies, attacked Yugoslavia and within few days only, they broke the resistance of the royal army. On 11 April at 5.30 pm, the Italian invader marched in Ljubljana. Soon after Slovenia was divided, an organised action of gathering weapons, ammunition and commissary equipment started under the leadership of Communist party of Slovenia (KPS) and the preparations for the revolt began. Together with the left oriented political groups they established the Anti-imperialist Front of the Slovene Nation on 26 April. The party changed its name into the Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation (OF) at the time the Germans attacked the Soviet Union. Later, many politically different oriented groups joined theOF. They all shared the desire for freedom, which could only be achieved byan armed insurrection. On 22 June 1941, the KPS established the general headquarters of the Slovenian Partisan companies, which was responsible to theheadquarters of the OF. In the middle of July the agreement on the armed revolt and furthermore the Partisan Act, that regulated the structure, the work and the tasks of Partisan companies, were adopted. Then they started to perform diversion actions, sabotages and to spread propaganda. They were blowing up power lines, blasting bridges, roads, railways, setting the invader's vehicles on fire and attacking the invader's patrols. Soon the actions became bolder and bolder, and so in September the real conflicts with the invader began. The rebellious movement on the Slovenian territory in World War II has evolved with time, despite the enemy's offensives to oppress the rebellions and to destroy the Partisan movement. The diversion actions have become more and more important and were of crucial importance to the liberation of the Slovenian territory and the victory of the allies in World War II.
Keywords:diversion operations, diversion actions, Liberation front, Communist party of Slovenia, insurrection


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