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TitlePehotna oborožitev v SV : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Žitek, Marko (Author)
Markovc, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:avtomatska puška, pehotno orožje, bojišče, rafal, modularnost, mitraljezUDC:623.44(043.4)COBISS_ID:4757966Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10771 ogledov; 1523 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Zitek_Marko_i2011.pdf (1,60 MB)
Abstract:Trendi sodobnega bojevanja, zahtevajo od nas vedno bolj moderne in zapletene sisteme, ki omogočajo sodobnemu bojevniku večjo možnost preživetja. Tudi pehotna oboroţitev je del tega sistema. Moderno asimetrično bojišče je predvsem urbanega značaja in temu trendu je potrebno prilagajati tudi pehotno oborožitev. Slovenska vojska je v zadnjem desetletju naredila velik korak k modernizaciji pehotne oborožitve. Iz uporabe smo dali stare kalibre in v uporabo vzeli standardne NATO kalibre, katere uporablja, večina slovenske pehotne oborožitve. V začetku novega tisočletja smo začeli uporabljati nova moderna orožja, ki smo jih preizkusili ţe na MOM in mednarodnih vajah in so se dobro obnesla. Iz svoje oborožitve smo izključili priljubljen in nostalgičen M70AB2 in uvedli novo avtomatsko puško FN F2000S. Javnost in stroka imata o novi puški različno mnenje. Javnost jo kritizira, medtem ko se stroka zanaša na testiranja in pri tem poudarja dobro kvaliteto in neverjetno sposobnost puške F2000S.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Trends of modern fighting demand more and more complicated systems which enable contemporary fighter a bigger chance of survival. Infantry armament is part of this system as well. Modern asymmetrical battlefield has mostly got urban characteristics and to this trend infantry armament needs to be adjusted. Slovenian Army has made a big step in modernizing infantry armament in the last ten years. Old calibres were taken out of use and standard NATO calibres were put in use, most of our infantry armament uses them. At the beginning of the new century, we began to use new modern weapons which were tested on internationa operations and missions and international excercises and proved well. We excluded popular and nostalgic M70AB2 from our armament, and included new automatic FN F2000S rifle. Pubic and the branch of business have different opinions of the new rifle. Public criticizes it, meanwhile the branch of business relies on testing while stressing good quality and incredible abilities of the F2000s rifle.Keywords:automatic rifle, infantry armament, battlefield, burst, modular, machine gun, ammunition